Ch. 6 (PG-13): Before the Feast

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Still a young and beautiful woman of twenty seven, Sir Guy's Lady Rose is a vision of loveliness as her husband Sir Guy smoulders upon seeing her wearing her pink velvet gown [(2) right]  this night that he so admires her in.  And Lady Roseanna is particularly proud of herself because after giving birth to four children, she can still wear her gown due to the natural fullness of the gown's styling. 

Her husband, Sir Guy looks quite handsome in his deep navy and gold brocaded tunic over his dress leather trousers and boots.  Lady Roseanna smiles as she thinks about the inevitable envious stares of other women when they behold her husband, Sir Guy, tonight.  For Lady Rose admires her husband and thinks that he is regal, tall, broadly muscular, and handsome.  Of course from her perspective, her Guy could wear sack cloth and still look stunningly handsome.  Lady Rose gazes upon her husband's smiling face [(3) right]   as he turns to her again—bringing her untold joy.  He is magnificent!   A lion among men—in their bed and out of it, she blushes in fond remembrance of their loving evening last night. 

Sir Guy:  "My Rose, were I not the guest of honor at Lady Leicester's feast tonight, I would gladly entertain a quiet evening with you and the children after our hectic day."  Sir Guy smoulders as he whispers into his wife's charming ear, that he then kisses.

Lady Roseanna: Smiling knowingly, she replies seductively.  "I have never known you to be quiet, my love—in the evening or otherwise."

Sir Guy:  "Well, perhaps the rescue of Helen—and Seth—by our esteemed guest Sir Roderick, requires a bit of celebration on our parts.  Hmmm?"

Lady Roseanna: "Promise?" She smiles coquettishly.

Sir Guy:  "Were you to bid me to stay from my purpose, I will not relent."  He pulls her flush to him as he leans down and kisses her tenderly.  Lady Roseanna joins her mouth with his in eager communion.

Lady Helen:  "Hhhhh!"  Lady Helen sighs with seeing her parents kiss sweetly in her presence. She turns to her brother Seth.  "Mama and Papa love each other so nicely."  She smiles sweetly.

Seth:  "Kkkkhhh!  Yes, well, their felicity in marriage is fortunate, given that nobles often have arranged marriages."  Seth's mind wanders to his own future matrimonial state—him wondering if he will get to choose his wife.  If he does, he would suggest a particular candidate in the person of Lady Caroline Havorford.

With their children's whispered discussion reminding them that their evening has only just begun, Sir Guy and Lady Roseanna withdraw from their kissing.  Then Sir Guy turns toward his sons.

As Sir Guy beckons their sons forward for inspection of their persons before they are allowed to go to the feast, Lady Roseanna cannot help but observe her husband with love for the wonderful father that he is also.   Their ten year old Seth [(4) right]—wearing a complementary navy blue tunic to his father's richly brocaded navy tunic—idolizes his father, striving to be like him in every way—strong, decisive, noble, and compassionate.  And Seth is of an age when his maturity is growing apace and he comports himself well as he stands proudly by his father's side.  Alternatively there is their little four year old son Louis who is fidgeting as usual.  This will be Louis' first time at a large ceremonial function—outside of their family home. So neither parent is altogether certain of his demeanor.  But if children are to learn how to behave, then they must observe and practice is Lady Roseanna and Sir Guy's thinking.  And Seth will be his little brother Louis' keeper this evening.

The Gisborne-Locksley-Middleton extended family meet in the family guest bed chamber corridor and walk together to the Great Hall of Gordon Castle where the banquet is to be held. The seven months pregnant Lady Mary leans heavily upon her husband Lord George Middleton's good arm as she walks—her formerly slight form now being overburdened with her third child.  She has followed everyone's urgings and rested ever since they arrived—and she has now had enough of that. As still a young woman of 20, Lady Mary eagerly looks forward to the banquet—her outings of late having been curtailed due to her with child condition.  And Lord George indulges his dear wife Lady Mary in the hope that the feast will give her some respite from her fatigue and poor health during this pregnancy. Their four year old son Edward Middleton walks skippingly behind them with eleven year old Lady Caroline—Lady Mary's younger sister—tasked tonight with keeping him from mischief.   And Lady Mary being eager to sit down, Lord George and Lady Mary and their family group hastens to the banquet hall.

"Sir Guy's Atonement" (Book 3) by Gratiana Lovelace, 2015 (a Wattys2015 Nominee)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora