Chapter 28: Facing your Dreamons

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"I forgive you Techno." Ghostinnit said, holding onto Techno very tight.

"I wish I could've been a better brother and was actually there for you."

"You were a good brother Techno. Sometimes you have to just get away from me."

Techno giggled at Ghostinnit's statement and let go of him. When he looked at him, shock came over him. Ghostinnit's eyes turned white, the lava from his body slowly disappeared, and he was smiling at Techno. Everyone stood there, even Dream. It was unexplainable about what just happened.

Dream knew he had to still keep Ghostinnit in his control before it was too late. The arrow that he had shot up in the air earlier hit the lever and the ground beneath them all began to shake. Everyone grabbed a hold of each other. Dream grabbed Ghostinnit and tried to run with him.

"Quickly Tommy, we have to get out of here." Dream said, holding Ghostinnit's arm while running.

"Dream, please I don't wanna go. Let me go, you're hurting me." he said trying to fight back.

Dream tried to run out before the ground broke under them. They almost made it out until several fireworks exploded off in front of them. They turned around to see Phil holding a crossbow towards Dream.

"Let go of my son, Dream. Or you get one between your eyes." Phil said very mad that Dream tried to steal Tommy again.

"Oh come on now, you wouldn't want to hurt us. Especially since Tommy is right next to me."

"Let go of my best friend!" a sword got flown in front of them both and almost hit Dream.

Tubbo swung his axe and tried to fight off Dream to let Tommy run. Dream fought back and held Tubbo against the wall. Dream took out a potion of harming and held it up into the air.

"Tubbo, nooo!" screamed Tommy, as he watched Dream splash the potion on the both of them.

The Tubbo fell to the ground unconscious. He wasn't moving. Ghostinnit grabbed Tubbo and held him in his arms. Calmly talking to him. Tears rolled down his eyes as he felt his world start to leave him. His world was Tubbo. The only thing he wanted was Tubbo. He couldn't be a ghost like him...not yet.

"Tubbo please...keep fighting. How much are you at?" Tommy said, holding Tubbo.

"T-tommy...I'm good...I'm at o-one heart..."

Niki ran over and splashed a potion of healing at Tubbo, it was far out of range from hitting Dream. Dream got picked up by Sam and held against the ground. He held him so that he couldn't move at all. He held an axe against Dream's neck so he couldn't move without getting hurt.

"Tommy, help me!" Dream said.

Ghostinnit ignored his call and held Tubbo. Dream called more and more until Sam knocked him out. With Dream silenced, Ghostinnit felt more at peace. The world felt calmer now that Dream wasn't telling him what to do. He could finally rest.

"Tommy, your arm...your vanishing." Niki said.

He looked down at his arm and saw that he was in fact vanishing. What was this? Where was he gonna go? All those questions, he knew the answer too. And he couldn't wait to go.

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