Chapter 13: Looking for Ghostinnit

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A cold breeze hit Philza's face. Phil and Techno were walking through the snow biome towards Tommy's exile. Both were looking for Tommy's ghost, so that they could find out who killed him. They walked through the deep snow and left a trail behind them showing where they had been. Even if they get lost, which Phil doubted, they would know the way back home. The wind was very cold against their faces, making it feel impossible to breathe. They had a lot of layers on though, so that they would be warm.

Phil looked over at his oldest boy, he looked concentrated and deep in thought. He knew Techno was sad on the inside and just not showing his pain, he did that a lot. When Momza passed away, Techno never showed his pain. He didn't want his brothers to worry about him, even though they did. A week after her passing Techo walked into the room where Phil was and cried his eyes out. He wanted her back so much, he missed her. Phil could tell that's when the first time Techno's heart got broken. But as time went on Techno showed less and less emotions, unless he really needed to. And when Phil told him that Tommy was dead, he could see that emotions that he kept secret were loose and he cried. Phil was the last person Techno had left.

Footsteps sounded off from behind them and they turned around, weapons out, to see Ghostbur and friend sneaking up behind them. Techno and Phil sighed knowing that it wasn't a threat. Ghostbur waved while smiling from ear to ear, then took friend's hoof and waved it.

"Hey guys! Where are you going?" asked Ghostbur trying to avoid the snow as best as he could, while friend walked behind him.

"We are looking for Tommy." said Phil, putting up his torn wing, from the explosion, to protect Ghostbur from the falling snow.

"What are you doing out here Ghostbur? It's snowing, you can't be out in the snow remember." Techno said.

"Oh I know, I just wanted to say hi. But you guys weren't in the house so I followed the tracks." Ghostbur said pointing at the tracks that led back to the house.

It started to snow harder and both Phil and Techno knew that they wouldn't make it to the tree line before Ghostbur melts. Phil looked for ways to help Ghostbur. Before he could do anything, Techno sighed and took off his cape. He put it around Ghostbur. The cape was so long that it didn't fit on top of him. When Ghostbur walked along the ground, the cape got dragged behind him.

"Techno, don't you need this cape to not freeze?" asked Ghostbur.

"I'll be fine Ghostbur. I would rather freeze to death, then watch you disappear and not do anything about it." Techno said.

Phil smiled at his two boys getting along. They talked and walked at the same time. Ghostbur lightened up everything and made them laugh from time to time. It felt nice to walk with them again. Phil got reminded of when the boys were younger and would walk through the forest together. How Tommy and Tubbo would run off with Wilbur chasing them. Techno walking by his side, talking about some training tips. He missed those days when they were younger. He wished he was back when Wilbur was still alive, no wars, Tommy and Techno got along, and that Tommy was still alive.

Phil could feel himself filling up with tears, but he didn't want to cry. He didn't want his boys to worry about him. So he didn't let the tears out.

They all walked for a little while longer until they got to the exile. The place was completely abandoned. No one was there and no signs of Tommy being there in a while. Must've left. But where to? Phil thought to himself.

"That's strange, I thought 'Ghostinnit' would be here." Techno said, "We need to go look somewhere else. I don't care where we just need to find him."

Phil looked down at Techno's hand, which was on the handle of his sword, it was shaking. Techno only ever did that when he was worried. Phil knew this because Techno did it a lot whenever they were training or when Tommy got lost. Phil walked over to him and rubbed his back, knowing it was one way to calm him down.

"It's ok Techno, we'll find Tommy someday. When we do, we can bring him back to the house and watch him from there." Phil said, his hand on Techno's back.

"Phil, what if we can't find Tommy. I don't wanna lose him again." Techno said, his hand shaking a little more.

"Techno, we won't lose him. He's your brother, you know where he always is. You always managed to find him when he would run off. I'm sure you can find him again." Phil said calmly.

Techno's hand stopped shaking and he started to think to himself. He was thinking to himself. Techno looked up and around the site. Ghostbur sitting in the grass petting friend.

"Phil, where's Dream?" Techno said.

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