"Here you go," I uttered, throwing the remaining pouch of money I had with me. "That's payment for her crimes and should be enough to get you a nice bath. If it's still not enough, then do visit the Eveningstar's estate and ask for more money," I added, emphasizing the name of the estate.

I could see the change of emotion from the man's eyes and he, along with the others watching us, immediately bowed in front of me.

The common people should know better than to mess with the empire's underdogs.

"I-I apologize, your ladyship," the man stuttered as his half-assed apology flew from his annoying mouth.

I scoffed at him. "I'd be taking this girl now," I announced. The girl looked a little confused as Marina helped her stand up. I'm not sure what I would do with her, but I'll figure that out once we reach the manor.

The way back to the carriage wasn't that far from the incident.

Ruderick looked surprised when he saw the three of us. I wasn't sure if the worried look on his face was for the injured girl, or for me who's about to bring home a commoner.

"My lady," he said, following behind me as I opened the door of the carriage. "His grace might allow this, but the young masters might get upset if you bring her into the estate."

I could sense the sincere worry he had for me, but I wouldn't need that right now. I just want to go back and rest.

"Don't worry about that. I'll handle even the possible punishment they might bestow on you. Just tell them that it was my fault for forcing you to follow my orders," I said nonchalantly as I climbed in the carriage.

I didn't hear another word from him as he closed the door. The ride back to the manor was more tiring. Maybe because Marina and that girl kept on staring at me as if they were waiting for something.

I sighed. "Let's talk tomorrow morning about this. I'm exhausted for the day," I muttered while I rested my back against the seat.

I should just let her work for me. I bought her with my allowance that I was supposed to use for something else anyways. And she seemed useful.

We soon reached the estate, and Ruderick was still throwing that worried look as I headed inside the manor. It's not like he's the one who will be punished for this.

"Your ladyship! Who is this girl?" Even the butler's surprised. The other servants working on the first floor looked perplexed as they saw us. Good, give your attention to me, so Marina can sneak inside and hide the things I bought.

"Elisse, what are you trying to do this time?" As expected of the next duke in line. The eldest young master has really nice timing skills, huh?

"She will become my new maid. I bought her with my allowance money," I said as if it wasn't really a big deal.

Eclipse frowned at me then he glanced at the girl beside me, eyeing her from head to toe. I quickly stepped in front of her to hide her from the gaze of the stupid young master in front of us.

"We have enough servants for that. Why are you suddenly buying people? They're not things you can buy," He scolded me with his annoyed face.

I watched from my peripheral vision on how the maids watching us smiled mockingly at me. I clicked my tongue and smirked. Fools.

"The other servants hated working under me. That's why I brought someone who is willing to serve me. And she's already mine, unless she can pay off the gold coins I spent on her." I'll apologize later for using such impolite words.

Eclipse looked as if he still wanted to refute my words, and before he could do that, I bowed at him and started walking away.

"It's nice seeing you, too, young master. I'll go and talk to his grace about this." I desperately wanted to stick my tongue out at him before turning around, but of course, I held it in.

CRIMSON LILY [To Be Published Under PAPERINK]Where stories live. Discover now