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(Ik everything with the mini ohm and lui thing but I still put them in)

3rd person-

"NOOOOOO, YOU PEICE OF SHIT I WAS SO CLOSE!!" Tyler yelled. The guys were playing mario cart when brian threw a red shell backwards towards tyler. You could hear him smashing his controller as everyone passed him to the finish line " Woooo, I'm not last hahaha!" Panda shouted while laughing his hysterical laugh.

"Goddamnit if it wasnt for that damn red shell, why the hell would you throw it backward, you bitch!?!"
"I'm sorry*gasp* it lined up*snort* so perfectly I couldn't help myself ."brian said inbetween snortes.   " holy shit that was amazing, haa."nogla finally managed to say . " You know what, fuck you all, and I hope you all have a miserable day you stupid cunts! " Tyler said before disconnecting.
Tyler's POV-

" FUCK MEEE, FUCK THEM AND FUCK THIS STUPID GAME!"I shouted and raged, i was pretty sure the neighbors could hear me, but i didnt care. It was the anger boiling inside me that really got me thinking, where would I be if I wasnt friends with the guys or If i never met them?

For a second, it might have been a good thought. To finally have a stress free life. But then I realized it was them who helped me in those hard times, and it was them who got me where I am today. Yea they could be stupid brain dead dick heads sometimes, but that's how they show their affection. I sighed as i was overthinking things.

"Goddamnit, not another one."I muttered to myself as I looked down at my now broken controler. As i was about to pick up my switch my phone vibrates. I hesitate, thinking it might be brian texting me just to piss me off some more, but to surprise it wasnt, it was nogla.



N- hey u ok ?

T- what do you want nogla

N- nothing u just seemed pretty mad and I wanted to know if your okay

T- ok what kind of prank is this did brian tell you to taunt me cause he knew i wouldn't awnser his texts

N- no no that's not it

T- ok if your for real then why do you care what I feel

T-  you where laughing pretty hard when I got hit

N- ok I laughed I'm sorry I couldn't help it

N- also I care about you because your my friend ☹

I chuckle to myself looking at the stupid emoji that David sent

T- k whatever I'm fine

N- u sure???

T- ya I'm fine

T- now stop texting me I wanna take a nap now

N- a nap???? but it's like 4 over there no??

T- time isn't real dumbass

N- .......wait.......HUH?!?

T- oh my god I'm not explaining this bye

N- uh okay bye

N- goodnight or goodmorning idk

T- nogla

N- k srry bye now

I sighed as I put my phone in my pocket. I went downstairs and into the kitchen, got myself some doritos and sat down on the couch. As I put on a Netflix series I've been watching i started thinking.

What would my life be like without nogla? I sighed again what felt like the millionth time and put the thought aside, and continued to watch tv

Evan's POV-

little did he know Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin