Hero class 1O1 (Chapter 13)

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1A Classroom:

It is now the second day at UA, Izuku and Itsuka were seen walking towards there classes as they were quite happy and were holding hand as they got inside the classroom of course Iida was the first in the class Izuku and Itsuka never understood why he was so serious about this not even there homeroom teacher take this seriously as he would sometimes say "Fuck it" or "I am not paid enough for this shit" Before he slides into his sleeping bag in the middle of the class. 

Izuku: Good Morning Iida!

Itsuka: Good Morning Iida!

Iida: Good Morning Uchiha-san and Kendo-san it's good to see you both on time for class. 

Izuku: Hn. 

Izuku and Itsuka sat down as they relaxed they of course greeted Momo who greeted back, shortly after students started coming in with Aizawa being the last person to come in he looked like he didn't want to be here already luckily for him the floating sleeping bag I give him made some wonder now they call him Catzawa. 

Aizawa: Now Shut up so I can leave already and have my nap, I am going to introduce you to your new classmate treat him with respect now come inside. 

???: Introducing myself is such a drag. 

A boy with pineapple hair came inside he look tired and bored out of his mind that's when me and Itsuka realized that the boy is a Nara. 

???: Hello, (Yawn) my name is Shikamaru Nara pleasure to meet you all

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

???: Hello, (Yawn) my name is Shikamaru Nara pleasure to meet you all. 

The now introduced Shikamaru Nara looked at Aizawa expecting to be told to go sit already so he can sleep which Aizawa nodded as he was to tired to sit and listen to someone talking about himself.

Aizawa: He might be lazy but he have an IQ of 200 which is 45 away from Principal Nezu so don't underestimate him. 

Everyone was shocked except me and Itsuka which was noticed by Aizawa. 

Aizawa: You don't seem surprised Problem Child. 

Izuku: It's no surprise to me after all Nara are known to be smart and lazy. 

Shikamaru (open an eye): I didn't think that someone will know about my family. 

Izuku looked at Shikamaru activating his mature Sharingan surprising Shikamaru before he give a smirk. 

Shikamaru (smirk): An Uchiha huh! That's a surprise well now I understand how you knew about my family pleasure to meet you hope we can be able to work together in the future which I hope not since putting effort into thing is to much of a drag. 

Izuku: Hn. 

Shikamaru than closed his eyes to rest as everyone was surprised and curious about our interaction, Aizawa understood what was going on since Izuku filled him in on the details about the shinobi Era so he then got the attention of the class. 

[Under Re-Write] The Rise Of The Uchiha Clan: Izuku UchihaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz