Uchiha Family (Chapter 5)

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After Izuku met principal Nezu, Uncle Aizawa and Gran Torino he went to play with Shisui Uchiha one of his ancestor a game which he enjoyed a lot but he was a noob at it and had to rely on the Sharingan to win a match against Izuku, Izuku was displeased but just rolled with it he even showed him a Ninja Game which made Shisui scoff at some of them because some were inaccurate and insulting to his shinobi pride. You might be wondering how did Izuku able to bring Shisui in the real world.

Izuku once settled in his new Uchiha home his mind was dragged to his mindscape were he saw the same people from his last dream, Mikoto being the sweet mother she is rushed towards Izuku hugging him which made Izuku feel happy that he was being showed affection which is something he haven't received in years this managed to put a smile on everyone that was watching this wholesome moment

FLASHBACK:Izuku once settled in his new Uchiha home his mind was dragged to his mindscape were he saw the same people from his last dream, Mikoto being the sweet mother she is rushed towards Izuku hugging him which made Izuku feel happy that he wa...

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Mikoto than separated from Izuku not wanting him to be uncomfortable since it's there second time they meet each other, she then said- Hi Izuku, It's nice to see you again I hope you've been doing well. Itachi smile and said- Mother, we do see what he sees unless he decide that he doesn't want us to see. Mikoto pouts but Izuku said- I am doing well thank you, I feel free. Mikoto smiles and hugs him once more and gave him a kiss on the forehead making Izuku finally break in tears, Mikoto was worried and said- Why are you crying? Sasuke sighs and said- Mother, He was touch starved for years so for you to suddenly hug and kiss him that will break him. Mikoto realizing what she has done hugged Izuku even more while rubbing his back and saying soothing words which calmed Izuku down a lot making him sleep with a smile on his face. Everyone felt bad for Izuku but also felt pride with Shisui being the carefree guy he is said- Oh! How sweet. Fugaku then said- He is a proud member of the Uchiha clan, he managed to conquer the Uchiha curse all on his own without help. Sasuke smirks and said- He reminds of Naruto both had similar childhood but he is smarter than the Dobe. Mikoto than places Izuku head on her lap while patting his hair and said- Kushina child? Well it's expected since Uzumaki are hyperactive and aren't the type to give up easily. Itachi then said- Should we take him inside mother? Mikoto shakes her head and said- No, Itachi it's best if he stay like this he had been touched starved for years just like Sasuke here said so if he wakes up and finds himself alone he will be upset. Sasuke then agreed and said- Mother is right, If I speak of myself I'd rather wake up too see mother or big brother face. Itachi smirks a little and ruffle Sasuke hair making him blush in embarrassment and said- We can do that if you want brother. Sasuke than said- I am 35 years old. Itachi than said- So what if you are 35? Sasuke Hn before leaving to his house. Mikoto awed at the scene in front of her and said- What a beautiful siblings you both are. Shisui than tear up and said- Big brother Shisui is here as well. Sasuke who was inside paled at having another version of Naruto and said- No, that would be a nightmare. Shisui slump on the floor and said- So mean Sasuke, I am hurt right now. Everyone chuckle at Shisui antics. 

Fugaku than spoke up and said- Speaking of Shisui here, Since he died young last time he will be the first one to be brought to the living world then Mikoto here will be the second, then Itachi and Sasuke and finally me. Shisui cheered and said- YES! new life here I come. Mikoto was also excited to be more around Izuku. The other than went inside leaving Mikoto with a sleeping Izuku she then looked towards Izuku and said- I will make sure that you'd receive the love you deserve. she then plant a kiss on his forehead and stay like that for an hour before Izuku started stirring from his sleep before finally opening his eyes to be met with Mikoto eyes, Izuku smiled and unintentionally said- Good morning mother. once he finally registered what he said he blushes in embarrassment while Mikoto was beaming with happiness and stuffed his face in between her breast almost suffocating him before kissing him all over the face. Izuku although embarassed felt extremely happy with him murmuring but it was heard by Mikoto- Is this how a hug feels? It feels nice. Mikoto wanted to murder Inko and Toshinori when she heard what he said and hugged him even more and said- Izuku, from now on I am your mother anything you want don't hesitate to ask. Izuku blushed before nodding and buried his face in Mikoto breast which she ruffled his hair slowly. 

After that he was taken to the dinning room were he was explained how he is gonna summon Shisui and everything he needs to know in this matter which made him happy that he won't live alone. He was then hugged by everyone and woke up in his room with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. He then performed the hand seals and managed to summon Shisui who was jumping in joy and Izuku dragged through a tour around the house before introducing the games which Shisui got addicted to. 

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