Chapter 2: Welcome Home

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ANNOUNCEMENTS: so this story will not be written in the present tense any more, because there are two ways to write in the present tense, and the way I was attempting is difficult, especially when I do most of my writing very, very late. The second is very basic, so it is switching into second person.

Another announcement. Viola Vusoven is my pen name. Not my real one, and Vusoven is not the last name of my dragonborn, it means nightingale in dovah, so just letting everyone know to not get my pen name confused with my real one or Viola the character's. Also, I take screenshots of skyrim on my pc, and I will be adding those to the top of this. Some may be relevant to the story, most won't This is all.

Now the story:

I started to sob. I could not control the tears pouring out of my eyes. In front of Ulfric, Ralof, and the men tending to the wounded soldier on the ground, I broke down. I don't deserve to cry, these men have seen much worse, but this was the closest to my death I had ever been. Witnessing an innocent man die, was something I was not used to, and the dragon. Everything overwhelmed me to far, and I broke.

Ulfric looked at me, not with disgust, but with pity. He had seen hundreds of men and women broken. Hundreds dead, I could see it in his eyes that I was bringing it all back. He looked away, and did not say a word. Ralof came over to comfort me, saying that we were still alive. I got myself together quite quickly, the panic wave brushed over, and I was up, embarrassed at what I had done.

"We need to get moving, up through the tower. Now!" Ulfric barked at the men who were still standing. I followed Ralof up the staircase, hands still bound, when the brick in the wall was broken. I fall back, but catch myself, and press up against the wall, as a huge, head of a dragon forces it's self in through the hole, I shut my eyes as a stream of heat passes from it's beak, and into the enclosed space. The fire only lasted a moment, but we all shared a collective breath as the smoke filled the room. I opened my eyes that had been closed, and saw the smoke mostly cleared, and the dragon gone.

"Go, jump through the roof, I'll meet you later. I must speak with Ulfric some more and see to it that the other men are well." Ralof yells up to me. I see where the dragon made the hole in the wall. Below, is chaos. What was just minutes ago, a city, full of life and people, is now destruction. There was fire, and bodies littering the ground. People of all ages were running, screaming, trying to get away with their lives. Just below me sat a roof, leading into an inn where the dragon's wing had left a hole. It was a good ten feet to the ground, but I didn't think twice before jumping.

My feet hit the ground and pain shot up my bare feet and into my back, but I didn't fall, just ran. There was another hole to jump down to the first level. I hit this too. My hands still bound, I ran across the way, dodging meteors that had begun to fall out of the sky. I did not stop until the dragon reappeared, landing among the rubble. I rolled just out of the way, and behind a building, where two imperial soldiers were holding cover along with an old man, and a young boy.

"Still alive prisoner? Come with me if you want to stay that way." A man in imperial armor yelled at me. From what I had so far experienced, Imperials are not people I want to stick by, but the man seems to want to help me, and I had no other choice but death. So I followed.

We ran around burning buildings. People all around me were injured, dead, crying. I pressed onward. My hands were tied, I wanted to stop, to help, but he kept running, urging me to follow whenever I slowed. We got to a broken bridge leading behind a stone building, when the dragon returned. I got down on the ground as it's wing hit right next to me. I heard the fire pour out of it's maw, but it didn't hit near to where we were standing. The force of the wing as it took flight again pushed my hair in all different directions.

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