Showdown on Kowloon II. Seiryu the Azure Dragon

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Silk was disqualified. Now it was the turn of the Next Generation Winter soldier to prove himself as a warrior.

Hooded Kung Fu Master: Not all days come to visit us a foreign supplicant.

Agent Seiryu enters the designated area and does a reverence. Another Incense candle is lit while Seiryu prepares himself.

Seiryu: Fellow Masters. I am Seiryu. You can also call me Lao Wai. I hail from  a family of Qigong Fenghuang Fist
practitioners. I'm pupil of the Immortal Iron Fist and I'm honored to meet such distinguished masters. I want to share the Kung-Fu I've developed from various fighting styles, including western martial arts.

Then Cindy opens communication channel with Amadeus Cho

Cindy: Lao Wai?
Amadeus: (over comms) Lao Wai means foreigner
Cindy: I thought it was Gweilo.
Amadeus: (over comms) That's because it's Cantonese.

All of the masters looked amused. Seiryu waited while they were trying to decide who would go up first.

Yang and Yun entered the circle and present themselves together

Yang and Yun entered the circle and present themselves together

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Yun: Remove the shield Yang: from your back

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Yun: Remove the shield
Yang: from your back

Seiryu, discards his vibranium shield.

Seiryu: Now, we're quite firmly matched.
Yang and Yun: Please!
Seiryu: Please!

The fight begins.

Yang and Yun: Be careful, brother.

Seiryu plants himself in a boxing stance, waiting for them to strike. Both brothers attack at the same time, forcing Seiryu to make a Ki charged spinning hook kick to drive them off. They charge in again. Seiryu tried his best to parry every fist and kick Yang and Yun gave to him until they manage to hit him in the face and leave him on the ground

Seiryu: (spits blood) You two are something else.
Yun: That's just it. We ain't two.
Yang: We are one.
Seiryu: Indeed

Seiryu changes stances to a defensive stance, his 360 degree defense

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