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Marvel vs Capcom. Agents of Atlas

Agents of Atlas:

Agent Woo
Name: SHIELD Agent James Woo

Coordinator: Agent WooName: SHIELD Agent James Woo

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Identity status: Public
Jimmy Woo worked as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent together with Melinda May. His work was enough for him to get recognized by May, who proceeded to include Woo as one of her contacts in case she needed any special help. He's an active member of S.W.O.R.D.. After the Ultron Sigma incident, he was tasked by senior agent Maria Hill to reopen the Atlas Project in order to pursue what remained of Gill's Secret Society

Team Leader:
Agent Seiryu.
Name: Dorai Buchanan Rogers, AKA Winter Paragon and Nomad (See Marvel vs Capcom Next-Gen Avengers FanFiction on @CrossoverGeek profile)

 Name: Dorai Buchanan Rogers, AKA Winter Paragon and  Nomad (See Marvel vs Capcom Next-Gen Avengers FanFiction on @CrossoverGeek profile)

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Name: Dorai Buchanan Rogers
Identity: Classified
Aliases: Bucky, Winter Soldier, NGWS (Next-Generation Winter Soldier), Mr. Chun-Li, knockoff Captain America, John Connor(Deadpool given name).

Future son of Chun-Li and Captain America Steve Rogers, Member of the Next Avengers. The first Self-Aware Winter Soldier with S.I.N. training modules, trapped on the past since the 1940's desiring only protect the timeline and return to his time through timed Cryostasis, but between missions he was arrested by SHIELD Agent C.Viper and forced into the ATLAS Project under the supervision of both C.Viper and Jimmy Woo. He also has his own agenda for dealing with the Secret Society.

Moves: Kikoken, Hyakuretsukyaku, Fuharenjin, Hard Blow, Patriot Blow, Hyakurenko, Gekiro, Shield Slash (with shield), Shield Throw (with shield) Rifle Burst, Gun Fire, Jyakoha, Patriot Uppercut.
V-trigger: Winter Rampage (Satsui no Hadou) Soldier's Duty (Renkiko)
Artes: Silver Patriot, Gen's Shitenketsu (only as a last resort) Liberty Surge (charging Kikosho) Brooklyn Tenshokyaku

Agent Iron Spider
Name: Amadeus Cho

Logistics Agent Iron SpiderName: Amadeus Cho

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