She understood right away. Thrill sparked in those blue eyes and suddenly we were finding the nearest empty room with a lock on the door which took no time at all. Camille and I were always on the same page. It was easy with her. Everything was easy with her.

I pushed her up against the back of the door and had her hot lips on mine in seconds. Her hands fisted into my hair that Helen had worked so hard on styling before the show. I grabbed her wrists and moved her hands down to my chest to explore. I moved my lips over the smooth skin of her jaw, gently scrapping my teeth in small bites. Her soft moans went straight to my dick and she knew it.

Her hands went to the buttons of my trousers and expertly undid them. Her cold, thin hands wrapped around me with enough grip to catch my breath in my throat. It expelled in a grunt as she fell to her knees.



You know what? No.

I was getting my two cents in tonight. I wasn't going to let the dramatics flare out overtime while I let my anxiety slowly eat at me day by day.

I had sat in Kacey's dressing room for a mere ten minutes when I made the decision to search out Jeff and finish our conversation. No matter how outlandish it was. To think I could be paid in order to leave a month long leg of a tour just to keep some petty rumors quiet?


But what could the solution be? Jeff—and the rest of Harry's team—certainty wouldn't just secede. Would they ask me to fucking dye my hair a different color? Ask me to get plastic surgery perhaps? Whatever it was, I wouldn't let it interfere in the job I was here to do. I had a standard to uphold not only for me, but for Kyren and the company that I represented.

He stood right where performers could enter and exit the stage. You couldn't actually see the stage from that point because that would ruin the enigma of an artist suddenly appearing out of the dark onto the stage and because of the short maze of equipment.

I heard Harry playing on stage, but it was too muffled seeing as we were technically under the stage and the speakers faced outward. 

He had a phone up to his ear, but turned and noticed as I approached. "Lemme call you back in a sec...mhmm...alright, bye." He pocketed the phone and turned to face me with apprehension and a bit of guilt tight on his face.

"Norah, I..."

I lifted my left hand before dropping it back down to my side. "It's an old injury. You didn't hurt me."

"Still...I'm sorry."

My lips pursed together and I nodded. "I appreciate it, but it's not necessary. I'm here because I don't want this conversation to come up again. I don't want you or the rest of Harry's team hunting me down and propositioning me every other day. I'm here for Kacey and for my career and that's it."

He released a heavy breath like I wasn't getting it at all. "I understand, Norah," he said, exasperated and dropping his eyes to the floor. "But it doesn't matter why you're here. It's the fact that you are here. And if you hadn't changed your last name, there was no way you would've slipped under our radar."

"You can't make me leave."

"I'm beginning to understand that. And it's not only you, but Harry apparently is also opposed to that idea."

"For no other reason than it's wrong to make me leave."

"Life isn't fair, Norah. Somethings just have to happen."

"Believe me," I snarled. "I know."

He looked at me like he was seeing me for the first time. Maybe he could feel the desperation radiating off of me. I needed this job. For me. For my career. For my security. For my sanity, as ironic as that was. The idea that it could all fall away because...

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