Part 6 - Katelyn

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The drive home was a blur of lights. Neither of us spoke. My thoughts were a jumbled mess racing along overwhelmed emotions. I'd given up my entire life for the perfect idyllic scenario. The interactions between us were always edgy and hot, but today made me question everything. I longed to call Justine and ask her for advice, but I'd removed myself from my old life in order to embark on this new one. Now I felt isolated and alone.

"I don't know if I can do this." The words were a whisper, but they exploded in the silence between us.

Jacob reached out a hand and waited until I lay mine in his. In slow circles, his thumb moved across the top of my hand and I took a deep breath.

"You are an amazing woman. Through this entire journey you've trusted me to navigate the path. This is no different. It's just a new adventure."

I relaxed with each stroke of his thumb, and for the first time I questioned where I started and he ended.

"Then let me in. I want to be a part of what you do."

"You aren't happy being my toy?" A grin played at the corner of his mouth and something in his shoulders shifted.

Turning my head away, I gazed out the window as the city lights faded and the darkness welcomed us into her embrace. I shook my head, not caring if he could see it.

"I enjoy it very much, but I need a purpose. With you taking on Mark's business, I can't imagine you'll have time to focus on me."

"Ah. Now I see the truth. You like my attentions, and you fear their loss. You realize this new merger also means an extra member in the household. It also means we'll need to bring on more staff in various areas, so there is balance in my investment. Bored contractees tend to get into mischief for want of attention, especially when the loss of it is their greatest fear. Right now, however, you are the focus of my entire world."

A sigh of relief escaped my lips, and I worked to settle my fears.

"Now, be a good toy and take off your clothes."

"Wait. Right here? In the car? But..."

"Katelyn." He used my name like a warning and pulled his hand from mine.

My finger fiddled with the button on my shirt, then forced it through the buttonhole. The cool breeze from the vent played across my skin as I worked the next button.

"There's my beautiful toy," Jacob said as he glanced over at me.

Fear mixed with exhilaration as the center of my shirt separated. As we passed other cars, I was thankful for the darkness of the night, all the while thinking what it would be like if they could see me. When the last button released, I leaned forward and shrugged out of the fabric, then released the clasp of my bra and let it fall forward. For a long moment I hesitated before I continued and removed the rest of my clothes. As my now bare ass pressed into the leather seats, I gained a new appreciation for the warmers below.

"Place the bundle in the backseat."

I heard the words but only stared at the pile of clothes on my lap.

"What if we get pulled over?"

"You should know by now that you either trust me to take care of the situation or you will pay for your lack of it. I believe at this point in our relationship I've done more than enough to earn it and continue to do so." His tone was a statement of fact, but underneath it was a tone of irritation.

"Yes, Sir."

"Now touch yourself. Think of how it would look to every passing car if they could see you."

A shiver of embarrassment raced across my skin as I followed his command.

"Much like today, you are exposed, caught between your lust of the naughty thoughts running through your head and the outrage of a new change in your world... We both know you like being watched, even more so when you don't have a choice... Like right now."

My fingers caressed my body as his words slowed and pulled my attention to focus only on him. Everything else around me dropped away and my eyes drifted close.

"Each breath pushes you deeper... unable to come... as each touch builds up the expectation of release while pushing you between frustration and desire... you can push yourself to the edge now or maybe you'll hold it off a little longer... as you wait for the command you want to hear... But that point is up to me... I can smell your arousal as your body responds to my words...and you know how good it feels when you give yourself to me... You want to obey... you need to obey... everything in you desires to follow the path I give you... just as your body is ready to do whatever I ask... It moves at the suggestions in my words... wanting more, moving more, craving more... and with each defiant thought your body desires to follow me more."

Jacob was my entire focus. Each word pulled me into his embrace until my hands moved only when he commanded them. Every passing second seemed to double my arousal until it filled me with pure need.

"That's a good toy... let your fingers touch you the way they do in private... when no one is watching... as they brush across your clit and push you toward the best orgasm of your life... it's right there... spread your legs wide for me."

My ragged breath sounded loud in the oddly quiet car. A moan escaped my pursed lips, and a cool breeze drifted over my skin as my door open.

"Come for me, Katelyn."

The words forced an immediate response. I couldn't stop it even if I tried. A scream ripped from my throat as the orgasm exploded through me, and my fingers refused to stop as I squirmed under their incessant attention.

"Put your hands on your thighs, toy."

Thankful for the release and the respite, I sagged into the car seat despite the shiver as I reacted to the chilled air.

"Quite the show, Sir. Welcome to the Empyrean Club." The unfamiliar male voice ripped me from my relaxed state and slammed me back into reality.

"Don't move, Katelyn," Jacob said as he slid from the driver's side and walked around the car.

"Thank you, John. She's a very good toy."

I raised my head to look up into two intense pairs of eyes.

"Even when she doesn't follow the proper protocols." He commented, reaching down and unfastening my seat belt. "Though, I'm going to see if we can correct some of those early and often."

He stretched his hand toward me and waited until I placed my hand in his, then helped me from the car.

"I'll ask the valet to clean up the wet spot in the passenger seat," the man he called John said as Jacob pulled me toward him.

Embarrassment and humiliation raced through me as I internally screamed for the Earth to open to swallow me whole.

"I originally planned for us to have a quiet night together, but your outburst after Dr. McNalley and Drake left changed our plans. Now, straighten up and walk with pride. This isn't the first time you've been on display for others, nor will it be the last."

There was something different about Jacob, and everything in me responded to it without question. Without another word, he walked up the front steps of the Empyrean club, knowing I would follow. 

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