Part 4 - Jacob

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Tension ramped in the room as the two men walked through the office door.

"The transition will be hard, but in the end, I think this situation is good for everyone," I started without looking at Katelyn.

"Yes, Sir. As you say, Sir."

I smiled, glad to see the situation didn't completely take her feet out from under her.

"Please make yourself comfortable on the couch. There's much to discuss." As she rose beside me, I allowed my gaze to follow her stiff movements until she sat on the edge of the couch. Gone was the relaxed way she'd been curled up before the untimely interruption. Every muscled strained with tension. This moment held every possibility for this situation to work, alongside the ability to destroy it. "It was my understanding you and Mark got along during your stay at Der Tamzeit Haus."

Without making eye contact, she nodded.

"Then what seems to be the problem?" The edge in my tone pushed her enough to relinquish her tight control over her emotions, but not enough to damage her trust in my protection. It was always a fine line in these instances, and one could never be sure if they'd navigated it well until success or disaster was revealed.

Tears ran in streams down her face. Everything in me longed to pull her in my arms and comfort her. But now wasn't the time to coddle, it was the time to push and give her the opportunity to prove she understood the tenements of her new life.

"I...," she sighed and struggled to find her words. Her gaze dropped to the floor, and I sat back in my chair as I waited.

Katelyn shook her head.

"I didn't think there would ever be another person. When I was with Dr. Drake, I ran through every scenario I could imagine. This one wasn't even on the list." She paused and a crease formed between her brows. "Are you sexually attracted to him?"

I smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

"My sexual attraction to him is irrelevant to his contract, or this situation, but it makes me curious now. Are you attracted to Mark?"

A blush raced across her skin and she shook her head in denial.

"Before you answer, might I warn you of the punishment for lying. Our relationship can only flourish when you are honest. This isn't the vanilla world. The moral code here is foundationally and fundementally different in many ways."

She swallowed hard, then lifted her gaze and met mine before dropping them to the floor once again.

"I find Mark an attractive man," she admitted without further elaboration.

"Good start. Let's explore it a bit. Maybe you imagine what it would be like to be ordered to give him a blow job, while I look on or listen to him struggle while he attempts to critique your technique. Or, perhaps, I'll put you in a box, blindfold you, and we'd both torment you until you beg not to come again."

Katelyn squirmed and licked her kissable lips. My cock ached as the possibilities played across my mind, but I refused to move.

"Then there are the experiments and ordeals on which his practice consults. Perhaps we'll toy with you to see how other subjects might react to various situations. There are so many possibilities when you allow trust to meet opportunity. The only question is, do you trust me?"

The question hit its target with precision as her head jerked up and her gaze met mine.

"With everything I am." Katelyn relaxed for the first time since Mark stepped into the room and out a long breath. "The whole situation caught me off guard. I didn't even know it was a possibility, especially after everything we've gone through to get here. If you'd asked me two hours ago if I knew enough about the Society to be happy, I would have told you there was no doubt. Now, I'm full of doubt."

"Good. Doubt is an opportunity to grow. We either face it, and seize the opportunity, or we back down from it, forever wondering what might have been if we'd been brave."

"I can be brave, if you promise to alway protect me."

"It's in your contract, literally. I will always work to continuously earn your respect and trust. We are all in this adventure together. Now, let me help you relax... everything is going to be okay... lay back and let my words take away your fear and cares... take a deep breath... and let me take care of you." I softened my voice with each word, slowing their pace and regulating the tone until Katelyn followed the suggestions.

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