Part 2 - Mark

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The folder shook in my hands, and I couldn't remember the last time my nerves ate at me like they did now. In the next few minutes my world would either change completely, or I would return to Dr. Drake's household not only as a man without a place, but one who humiliated himself in front of two other members.

Stepping off the elevator into the quiet reception, I paced outside the door of Dr. White's office as I listened for the slightest opening in their conversation.

"Let me finish up this paperwork and we'll get going," Jacob said from somewhere in his office.

"Yes, Sir." Katelyn's reply lilted across the room and I smiled at her open trust in him.

Steeling myself against the angst of the possible rejection to come, I stepped up to the open door and knocked.

"Mark," she acknowledged me with a smile. Across the room Jacob rose from his desk, as I gave Katelyn a curt nod.

"What brings you to my office?"

Taking a deep inhale, I walked across the large room and dropped to my knees, then continued down into a position of supplication.

"Katelyn, park self, here now." Jacob's command was tense, and I knew his eyes never left my form. The act of immediate supplication was one rarely used and transferred personal authority to him without question.

Quick footfalls moved across the room, and I presumed Jacob commanded Katelyn behind him in an act of protection.

"Your supplication tells me you accept my authority completely until I remand it. Is this your intent?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied into the carpet loud enough for him to hear. Time stood still, and I heard the time inbetween the seconds as I awaited his next move. There were only two possibilities to me. Either he would accept my offer or reject me with completion. The latter would not only be a stain on me but also on my House. Never had I been more grateful that we belonged to the same one.

"Rise. Attentive rest. Succinctly state the reason for this parlay."

His choice of words told me all I needed to know, and I released the breath I didn't realize I held. Pressing up from the floor with as much grace as I could muster, I rose and stepped into the commanded position.

"Thank you, Sir. Is is my request to seek a contract with your household."

Jacob's brow furrowed as his expression scrunched to something between confusion and anger.

"I see. You know my house can't take on another contract based on the sacrifice."

"With all due respect, Sir, it is because of your recent proclamation that I make this request."


The one-word answer spoke volumes, and I knew, without a doubt, not only were the change of my circumstances on the line, but so was my friendship. The man who'd seen me through my darkest hours now looked at me like he's as soon punch me for my insolence, as he would hear me out. With a deep breath to steady my out-of-control nerves, I pushed forward with the last shred of my confidence.

"Sir, a member by sacrifice has a contract with a non-transference clause." The words came out in a jumbled rush as I attempted to explain why I stood in front of him.

"I'm aware," he replied with growing impatience.

"The only way to override the clause is by a proclamation of sacrifice. Any house, in which the head of said house, is given this proclamation, and the authority to move forward to the membership and contract, may, during the time of initiate training, accept others under the same provision."

"Oh," Jacob replied as he sat down behind his desk. "I see. What can you offer to the house in a way of assets?"

The question sent a wave of hope rushing through me, and for the first time since I'd entered the office, I relaxed.

"I am prepared to offer my entire private practice, my skill as a Master Trainer within the Society, and liege man to you. These things will significantly enrich your household," I replied as I stepped forward and handed Jacob the folder with all the necessary information, then returned to my previous position.

Before me, Jacob opened the folder and flipped through its contents. For the last week, Dr. Drake and I had worked to put together the perfect proposal. With everything on the line, all I could do was wait.

"This is a very generous portfolio," he said without looking up. "What does Drake say about it?"

"He sent me here."

Those four words made Jacob's head jerked up until he looked me straight in the eyes.

"Why?" The question was laced with suspicion. We both knew Dr. Drake did nothing without a reason, and it always created some version of chaos.

"He can't take my contract. Since my dominant left the Society to pursue greener pastures, I am left in a precarious position, as you know. I'm unable to be a contractee, and I don't desire being a contract owner. I am a member without a home." I glance down at the floor as my confidence in the situation waned. "And... he thought I'd fit into your household."

"I see," Jacob said, leaning back in his chair and steepling his fingers. "You're willing to turn over your entire private practice and the training clients?"

"Sir, I am willing to take on a sacrificial contract and all that comes with it."

The weight of those words settled across me. This entire negotiation was akin to an arranged marriage. To get what I wanted, I had to give up everything. Outside of the Society it made no logical sense, but then again many people didn't understand the freedom and challenges living within this unique organization could bring.

"Well, this is an interesting turn of events."

"If I may, Sir, Dr. Drake advises you seize the opportunity. You'll find a missive in his hand at the back of the folder, along with his bill."

Jacob flipped to the back of the folder and chuckled. A few minutes later he looked up with a nod.

"How long do you need for the transition? I want you to move your practice in my building to allow easier access to my assets."

Relief flooded through me and I suppressed a smile.

"Six weeks, Sir."

"Make it four."

I wanted to protest. The sheer amount of work necessary to make such a move in six weeks was already overwhelming. To reduce it to four would require me to pull every possible resource I had at my disposal, and even then I wasn't sure I'd make it.

"Yes, Sir."

"Katelyn, attentive rest," he commanded without taking his eyes off mine.

Behind him, Katelyn struggled to her feet. It was obvious she'd not paid attention to her body as the drama played out in front of her. Now she was poorly positioned to serve at a moment's notice. That was a problem which needed to be resolved.

"Unexpectedly, our household grows today. Dr. Mark McNally, I welcome you to my household and offer you a Contract of Sacrifice."

I smiled at his words, but did not break my position. The whole negotiation happened at a speed I'd not expected.

"Relax," Jacob said and gave me a warm smile. "This situation just got a lot more entertaining." Then he turned toward the girl beside him, who stared at me with a dumbstruck look. "Katelyn, meet the newest member of our household."

"Good grief, are you all doctors? Do they grow on trees in your line or something?" she blurted out, and both of us turned in unison.

"Sir, I am quite looking forward to this adventure," I said and gave Katelyn a knowing smile.

"As am I."

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