Part 1 - Mark

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The scratch of the fountain pen across the paper brought an odd sense of peace to my tumultuous emotions. The last six months, since the original Sovereign Society experiment, were hectic. With success came more work and acclaim, but also more pressure. Of the fifteen people who took part in the intense psychological research project, eight completed the course to the end, and five were ultimately pursued by members of the Society. It was heralded as a resounding success, and the demand for another round kept me up late into the night far too often.

A knock on my the door of my residential suite echoed around the small living quarters, but I didn't look up from my papers. It wasn't unusual for members of the House to stop by to seek advice or chastise me for the long hours I kept.

"Come." The command replied to the request as I scribbled out my recommendations and final approval for the next experiment's advertisements.

"It is customary for those in my household to rise in a show of respect," Dr. Drake's said as he stepped into the room.

I glanced up several seconds too late and tried to push out of my chair, well aware my movements were far from the grace I expected from my own trainees.

"My apologies, Sir," I said the chair slid out from under me and I stood, giving him a slight bow.

He waved his hand dismissively and took the seat in front of my desk.

"Your slipping, and you're working too much."

"May I offer you a beverage, Sir?"

Dr. Drake nodded as I stepped around my desk to the small bar service. With a deft hand I generously poured whiskey into two glasses, then turned and offered him his on the flat of my hand. He chuckled as he took it.

The interaction released the building tension in the room as I returned to my desk. Normally I would take the seat beside him, but there was something about the way he watched me that made me want something sturdy between us.

"Relax. Sit. I come with good news, though your work hours of late should be addressed."

With a nod, I grabbed my desk chair and sat down without taking my eyes off the man in front of me.

"Good news for you or me?" I asked with a raise of my glass before taking a solid swig of the amber liquid. It's hot path down my throat helped me brace for whatever was next. Dr. Drake's good news often pushed people right out of their comfort zones, and I'd worked to avoid his attentions for that very reason. There was enough on my desk to try my patience without bringing in personal growth.

"Outside of your most recent brush with the cane, when was the last time you found yourself in a position of punishment?" Dr. Drake asked as he took a sip of whiskey.

The question put every part of me on alert. There was something I was missing.

"Prior to the situation with Katelyn, the last time was shortly after I was abandoned by Skylar. I've worked constantly to make this House proud to call me a member, even if I am a man without a place."

"So, four years ago. That's a long time to go without getting your needs met."

I dropped my gaze to the desk in front of me as a rush of memories assaulted me all at once.

"It is the price of a Contract of Sacrifice. You know going into it that your entire life is on the line. As a trainer and a psychologist, I should have paid more attention to the signs."

"The heart does strange things to a man who believes he's in love."

A sardonic laugh slipped across my lips and I threw back the last of the whiskey in my glass.

"Yes. A mistake I won't be able to make again."

"I wouldn't go that far," Dr. Drake said, and the slightest hint of a smile played along the corner of his lips when I looked up.

"If I am a burden...," I started and halted when his hand went up in a silent command and his brows furrowed.

"Careful, boy. I am indulgent because you are one of this household's greatest assets, but you are also one of our greatest liabilities. There's a solution on the horizon if you will take the leap of faith to attempt it."

"My apologies for the slight, Sir. Though now you've piqued my curiosity."

"First, tell me your assessment of Jacob and Katelyn."

I leaned back in my chair and thought about the lovely Katelyn. There was something extraordinary about her. The way she seized the world with an odd combination of trepidation and courage, but it was her complete trust in Jacob that me in awe.

"They are a brilliant match. She trusts him with a completeness that is rare, and he thrives on it. Over time, I can't imagine anything that would rock their world or make it more complete."

Dr. Drake chuckled.

"You make them sound like the perfect fairy tale."

"Yeah, well, from where I'm sitting they are the perfect fairy tale."

"Do you think they could survive, or even thrive, with a monkey wrench thrown into their perfect mono relationship?"

"It would depend on who, and for what purpose."

"You, because they are the only sacrificial couple in more than half a decade and they both seem fond of you."

The words hung between us for a long moment.


Drake nodded and handed me a folder I hadn't noticed.

"The only time a lost sacrifice can join another household is during the Initiation of a new Contract of Sacrifice. It's like a challenge, but in this case I think it's the perfect situation for all involved. Since Jacob sent Katelyn here for evaluation, she already trusts you. It is the reason I put you in charge of her training. Either the bond would be forged or the possibility would garner no traction. If Dr. White accepts you, the price will be everything you own. Your practice would be his to control since your time belongs to your contract owner. All of your training clients would pay him, and your cut would go into your account after his cut. In return, you'll be returned to a full member within a household. While you'll never gain the right to choose a partner, you may find you'll gain much more in the arrangement."

I glanced down at the pages in the folder on my desk. On top was a new contract, something I didn't think I'd ever see again.

Dr. Drake rose from his chair and placed his glass on my desk. Without thought I rose in respect while a thousand thoughts tumbled across my mind.

"It's been a pleasure having you in my household," he said, and offered a genuine smile.

"You don't know that Jacob will go for this contract. I mean, he and Katelyn just got everything they wanted together."

"He'd be a fool not to take it, Mark. And there's one thing I know about the world famous Dr. White – he's no fool." He turned and walked out the door as I stood staring at the man who'd ripped my world out from under me in less than fifteen minutes.

"Asshole," I swore under my breath. "I may owe you my life."

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