Part 3 - Jacob

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Katelyn squirmed under our collective weighty gaze and I smiled at all the possibilities this new situation held. It was no small request to offer one's life work to another in exchange for a hierarchical arranged relationship, neither was it a simple situation to accept on the other side. In a matter of minutes I'd gone from a small practice to a virtual empire in two vastly different worlds, as I realized Dr. Drake not only pushed Mark out of his comfort zone, but by extension, everyone in my small house.

"Don't we have to discuss this or something?" Katelyn said, disregarding both of us without another thought. "I mean, I like you Mark, but this affects me too. You can't just turn my world upside down without so much as a conversation."

"Katelyn," I warned. "The contract you signed gives me those rights without question. You will not embarrass me or my household with this outburst."

She inhaled as if she wanted to continue, then stopped when neither of us backed down.

"That one's going to keep you gentlemen on your toes," his voice rang out in the room as if the mere thought of his name made him appear, and the room went as silent as a tomb.

Mark and I turned toward the intruder, offering him a bow of respect.

"I understand I have you to thank for this most... generous addition to my household without discussion," I said, choosing each word with care.

"Come now, Jacob. There's no reason to be cross. The arrangement is perfect for all three of you. In no time you're household will be the talk of the Society. Imagine the wagging tongues at Court when not one, but two Contracts of Sacrifice become the center of attention."

I straighten and force a smile.

"Ever the player, I see. To what do we owe this auspicious visit?"

"I wanted to see if you'd both go through with it, and to offer my services as a witness, should you wish to sign the contract today." A knowing smile played across his face and in that moment I knew we were the pieces on a larger board.

"There was no reason for you to make the arduous journey to my office. Katelyn could witness the contract signing in due course."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mark shake his head with the slightest motion toward Katelyn, and I was thankful for his perceptive attention to her uncertain emotions.

"Actually, since she herself is a sacrifice, she does not have the power to witness for another one. I, however, as Head of our House, can do so without issue. Unless I am wrong, there is little reason to postpone the signing, and as all parties are here, it seems as good of time as any to get it done."

"There is one point of negotiation," I advised as Dr. Drake moved closer to my desk. "As this was unexpected, and I find myself unprepared for all the implications of the situation, I presume Dr. McNally can continue to be in residence until such time as I can resolve such difficulties."

Drake chuckled with a nod.

"Of course. Once the contract is signed, we can work out the details of the transition. I even took the liberty of placing it as an addendum," he said pointing to the open folder on my desk.

Picking up the folder, I flipped to the page in question and nodded.

"It seems all is in order then. Do you have any objections to signing the contract, Mark?"

"No, Sir," he said, but glanced over at Katelyn. Her eyes welled with unshed tears, and there was no doubt she presumed the worst.

"Please settle Dr. Drake over in the sitting area, and prepare the documents for signing," I ordered as I handed Mark the fold. Not waiting for a response, I turned toward Katelyn. As the two men moved away from the desk, Katelyn's entire body slumped in resignation.

"That's it, then. I'm being replaced because he's a better 'asset'." A tear slipped down her face and she swiped at it with the back of her hand.

"No one can, or will ever replace you," I said as I pulled her into my arms and kissed the top of her head. "I know this isn't what either of us expected today, or any other day for that matter, but it is a good thing. It wasn't in my plan to be the holder of two lifelong contracts, yet, here we are."

"I don't understand what is happening." Tears ran like rivers down her face and all I wanted to do was whisk her away, but in a few minutes I would be responsible for more than one life. In order to make this work everyone of us has to sacrifice something, and today it started with me.

"We have a new roommate and he is turning over everything he owns for me to control. In exchange, I will give him a place in our world. That's the most simplistic way I can explain it for now. Past that point, none of us knows what it means because we didn't plan it." The words lingered between us as she shook in my arms. "Now, be brave and face this new challenge, knowing I'm right here, and I always will be. No matter what happens next, I won't let us fall."

"You won't exchange me for a new, well positioned, better in every way, toy?"

I shook my head and smiled down at her.

"He's not better in every way, and no one can every replace you, my dear toy, but I might need a bigger toy box."

Katelyn sniffled, and I pulled a handkerchief from my pocket.


"I promise you'll always be my toy, and I always take good care of my toys," I grinned at her suggestively. "Shall we step into this new adventure together?"

Dabbing her eyes, she nodded, and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, aware of every protocol and etiquette set I was violating, as we walked to the seating area. Reluctantly, I released her as I approached my seat and gave her the silent signal to kneel by my chair. When she fell to her knees, I exhaled in relief. Across the table, Dr. Drake's reproachful expression bore into me.

"You brought this situation to my doorstep, thus you've no right to determine how to best handle those under my care," I said without looking up from the contract in front of me.

Dr. Drake leaned back, and I drew my gaze to meet his, fully prepared to defend what was mine.

"Then it looks like not only did I negotiate this contract well, but I also placed it into the perfect hands," he said as I met his approving gaze. "Don't disappointment me in this one, Jacob."

"In the future, you will give me due respect when you decide to turn my world upside down."

A smile played across his lips, but he didn't reply. Instead, he turned toward Mark.

"Dr. Mark McNally, do you come on this day to give your life to a Contract of Sacrifice to a member of the Soveriegn Society, and in so doing restoring you to your previous status and membership?"

"I do so give my life," Mark replied, though his eyes didn't leave the contract in front of him.

"Do you willing offer up all you control, trusting that your contract owner will work in your best interest, as well as that of his household?"

"I do so offer."

"Do you, Dr. Jacob White, accept that which is offered to you today?"

"I do so accept."

For the next few minutes each of us signed the necessary documents giving credence to the words we'd spoken. With a flourish, Dr. Drake witness the last page and closed the folder.

"Congratulations to all three of you."

Beside me, Katelyn stiffened, and I questioned the decision I'd made in less than an hour. If it wasn't for the fact that the Sovereign Society was my life, then I'm sure it would have all seemed odd. That thought gave me the ability to see things from Katelyn's point of view. The outside world wasn't like this one, and not everyone was lucky enough to choose their situations.

"Thank you, I'm sure this will benefit all involved, in the long run," I said as I stood. Turning to Mark, I smiled. "Welcome to my household."

"Thank you, Sir. The honor is all mine. If you allow me my leave, I can give you room to attend more important matters."

I nodded and silently thanked him for his observation. The two men gathered the paperwork, leaving my copy on the desk, then walked out the door as I absorbed the whirlwind of change that just hit my life.  

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