This was all what Draco wanted, he just wanted to be with Harry one last time, without any thought of before and be with him in the moment, for the last time before he would never see him again.

Of course Harry didn't know that, though.

Draco took his left hand and held it up to the moon, the sliver promise ring glinted against the moonlight, it was breathtaking.

"I love you." He whispered to nothing.


"How's lily doing?"

"Oh she's wonderful, got into Hufflepuff."

"I'm not surprised." Hermione said, getting up from her chair and crossing the kitchen to get the tea.

"She's a good soul." Draco said, looking around the quant little house Hermione and Ron owned.

Hermione returned to kitchen table and pored a cup of tea for Draco.

"Thank you." Draco said before taking a sip.

After a bit of awkward silence Hermione dared to say, "Harry would be proud of you."

The mention of the name made Draco's head spin and he put the China tea cup down before he dropped it, his hands were shaking.

Hermione bit her lip immediately thinking that wasn't the best thing to bring up, but to her surprise Draco spoke.

"I-I think he would be." Glossy eyes looked up at Hermione and she gave him a small sad smile.

They talked about everything and anything until Draco had to go home and get ready to pick up Lily, it was Christmas break starting today.


Once Draco saw the first year Lily hop off of the Hogwarts express he smiled so wide and waved at his little girl, the black haired and hazel eyed girl saw him and ran to him, arms open wide.

"DAD!" Draco picked her up, hugging her while he spun her around, Lily laughed.

He put her down and got to her height.

"How are you? How's school? Did you make friends? How-"

"Dad!" Lily said shaking her head, "too many questions!" She giggled.

Draco's smile grew even wider, "ok, ok." He got up and held his hand out to her. She took it, he grabbed her trunk and let her carry Olive, her brown owl.

Draco got in the car and started to drive, then Lily noticed he wasn't driving to their house.

"Where are we going dad?" She asked.

"I wanted to bring you somewhere. I want to show you something."

"Ok!" Lily smiled brightly and looked out the window as the trees and cars flew by.

After what seemed like forever, Draco parked the car and got out, instructing Lily to the same and to grab a coat since it was freezing outside.

Godric's Hollow seemed brighter the last time Draco visited, but it was still dull as ever.

"Where are we?" Lily asked, looking around with big, wide eyes.

Draco took a deep breath, breathing in chilly air, before he keeled down again to her hight and put his hands on the side of her arms.

"Do you remember me telling you about Harry?"

"Yes, I do, he saved everyone and he was your boyfriend." She spoke fast, she knew her dad was sensitive about the subject of Harry. "I know the stories dad."

"Right of course you do, I-I wanted to show you where -where h-he was um-" Draco gulped and blinked his eyes.

"Buried." Lily helped, she said the word so quite she wasn't sure he had heard her.

"Yes, and his parents-"

"Ok, let's go." Lily gave him a smile and took one of his hands in her's.

Draco smiled back at her and stood up leading her to the graveyard.

Right next to Lily and James Potter lay, was Harry.

Lily gasped, and traced Lily's name on the grave stone.

"Is that where you got my name-"

"Yes," Draco said quietly. Lily went back and hugged him tight. Draco did the same looking at Harry's grave stone.

He finally let himself close his eyes and let the tears fall.

Lily pulled back and saw her dad, he looked so broken.

Draco smiled down at her, and moved over just a tad where he could face Harry's grave fully and keel down on the ground in front. Lily stood next to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

Draco took his wand out and whispered something and flowers laid at his headstone and Lily's and James'.

"I see a lot of him in you." He reached up and laid his hand over his daughter's.

"How? He was in Gryffindor and I'm in Hufflepuff-"

Draco shook his head, "has nothing to do with that, you have a good soul Lily, you have so much faith and hope, and you're brave, so brave. Just like Harry."

"Oh," Lily said, her own tears threatening to spill.

Draco looked at his left hand and saw the ring that he kept on for all these years. The promise ring Harry gave him. He smiled at it, tracing the words that were engraved into it: L'autre moitié de mon cœur

He took it off and placed it on the bottom of the headstone, whispering a spell, so it would stay.

"He was the other half of my heart Lily."

Lily looked at him, tears now both graced their cheeks, "I know." She hugged him. Draco closed his eyes and held her.

"I love you dad."

"I love you too my sweet girl."

Drarry One Shots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon