1 | the damned

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Jeongyeon walked into the unfamiliar corridors of this new school. It seemed cold and unworthy, and she shivered at the thought of being here.

But, it's better than anything else I guess. She tried to cheer herself up, heading straight to the office to log herself in.

"Yoo Jeongyeon?" The secretary looked up at the new girl. "You new?"

Jeongyeon nodded her head and handed her her student id.

"Great, I'll just log you in to the system real quick, then you can head to your first class."

She decided to sit down on one of the waiting chairs, clutching her bag in her hand.

The chatters of students in the corridor could be heard from the small office, and Jeongyeon sighed as the only sounds were the heavy taps on the keyboard, and the clock which told Jeongyeon that she'd be here for a long time.

Not a long time as in seconds....

A long time as in a year - at most.

A short, blonde haired girl entered the office, holding (or struggling to hold) what seemed to be a few thick and packed files.

The secretary looked towards the labouring girl and a teasing smile creeped onto the middle-aged woman's face.

"Chaeyoung, we have a book trolley for a reason." She states jokingly, and this girl called Chaeyoung dumps the files onto a chair just a few seats away from Jeongyeon.

"Yeah, for books." Chaeyoung stretches, and the sounds of bones cracking reaches Jeongyeon's ears like a speaker boosting music. "These are files, Miss Park. Files."

"Yeah, yeah." Miss Park seems like a cool secretary, Jeongyeon thinks to herself as the woman takes a swig from a small bottle. "By the way," Miss Park takes a look at the lone girl sitting down, holding onto her bag for dear life. "That's Jeongyeon. She's in the same form as the 96's."

Chaeyoung's eyes sparkle and her lips curve upwards at the very mention of the 96's.

The 96's? What the hell is that meant to mean?

It seems as if the kind woman can read Jeongyeon's mind, and motions for Chaeyoung to explain it to her.

"It's the Japanese kids who were born in '96. Well, not just any Japanese kids." Chaeyoung beams, looking ever so proud of this so called '96 group. "My unnies." Chaeyoung enforces the word 'my' and the other girl seems to think they must be really special to this young kid in some way.

Miss Park stretches her arms out and hands over what seems to be Jeongyeon's ID to Chaeyoung, and the former seems to stand up almost immediately.

"Yoo Jeongyeon." Chaeyoung smiles while looking at the portrait photo of the other one. "Nice to meet you." The tiny girl hands the ID over to Jeongyeon, who slowly - and hesitantly - takes it back.

"Nice to meet you too." Jeongyeon replies, fitting her ID back into her pocket. She looks up at Chaeyoung, who is just about to leave the room, and who even knows where Jeongyeon is meant to go now? "Hey, wait!"

The younger girl turns around just in time to see Jeongyeon flailing her long arms around.

"Yes?" She raises an eyebrow, and Jeongyeon lets out a breath of relief.

"Do you know where the maths class is?"


Im Nayeon was what everyone would call the 'All-Rounder of Hanlim Multi Art School'.

Not only was she head of three sports teams, but she was also the student with the continuous highest GPA, voted as 'Miss Best Visuals', the president of the student association, and also the daughter of Principal Im, the headteacher of Hanlim Art.

Of course, being all these things came at a price: popularity.

Now it wasn't all that bad being popular.

Just a bit of a wreck, to be brutally honest.

She was feared in the hallways, and respected by her upperclassman, even by teachers. Maybe it was an advantage to have the school at your fingertips, but it also meant having to deal with every single high schooler's problem every second of the day.

Today it was this new girl.

Yoo Jeongyeon, they called her. And yeah, sure, she was gorgeous as hell, but she seemed shady-according to Momo, at least.

"What do you mean, shady?" Nayeon asks as the younger girl swallows down some fish bread. "Like, extremely nervous or-?"

Momo shakes her head and takes a long sip of Sprite from a straw before turning back to answer the girl.

"Shady as in: 'I'm running away from my past life and I'm using this school to do so' - type of shady."

Nayeon can't help but scoff at the thought of this Jeongyeon being a spy. "Remember the time that Dahyun had transferred to our school, and you thought she was the daughter of a Circus Clown because of how easily she made people laugh?"

Momo frowns. "That was a one time thing."

"And the time that Sana didn't come to school in the morning and you thought she was kidnapped?" Nayeon internally laughs at remembering that day. "But it just turns out she had a dentist appointment?"

Defeated, Momo decides to keep quiet and continues eating her fish bread.

"You should go check her out for yourself." Momo says after a while of silence, looking over at the basketball hoop where a bunch of boys are playing 21. "You'll understand what I mean."

Nayeon ignores whatever the hell Momo is thinking and stands up, preparing to leave.

"Where you going?" Momo asks her (or at least, what Nayeon interprets. Momo's mouth is full of bread at the moment.)

"Sana said she wanted to talk with me. I'll catch up with you later on, I've still got a meeting at lunch." Nayeon waves goodbye to her best friend and heads inside the school, looking for the IT lab.

The second she enters, she locks eyes with someone unfamiliar.

So this must be the new girl, Nayeon notices, and smiles to herself. Momo was right.

She is gorgeous.

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