Sleepwalking and Nightmares

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No ones pov

Mikey was in bed after playing Phasmophobia one of the most scariest games of all time Raph had decided to be a nice big brother and sleep with him to make sure his little brother didn't have any nightmares. He didn't think that game was scary hes seen way scarier from Wattpad (ooh scary). Anyway Raph fell asleep in about a few minutes. Mikey was already sleeping he was a tired boy playing scary games makes you very tired (not scientificly proven). Anyway Mikey was fast asleep.

A few hours later...

Raph woke up to find Mikey gone. "Mikey" Raph called out. Raph went to look for him. Mikey was sleepwalking. "Mikey" Raph called out again. Mikey slepwalked into Leo's room his other big brother. "Mikey what are you doing in here" he asked. Oh yeah he was awake hes usually up at this time hes a late sleeper. Anyway Mikey didn't answer of course. "Oh duh hes sleepwalking" he said to himself. "Leo have you seen Mikey" Raph whisper yelled. "Uh yeah hes right here" Leo said pointing to Mikey sleeping in his bed. "Woah how'd he get there so fast" Leo said/asked suprised. "Ok phew hes fine" Raph said. Leo smiled. "Wait you being nice" Leo asked. "Uh no" Raph said crossing his arms and looking away. "You are" Leo said smiling more. "Nope never" Raph said shaking his head. "Uh-huh yeah you keep telling yourself that" Leo said. "I will" Raph said/whisper yelled. "Shh quiet hes trying to sleep" Leo said. "Oh I'm sorry" Raph said sarcasticly. (But maybe not too sarcasticly cause hes being nice to Mikey). Leo glared at Raph. "What" Raph asked acting clueless. Leo sighed. "Nothing" Leo said. Raph smirked. He knew he had won. "Well you can go now I'll look after him" Leo said. "Uh no I'm staying" Raph said. "Why cause you want to look after him too" Leo asked crossing his arms. "What no I just whatever I don't need a reason to stay" Raph said. "Ok fine you can stay but I sleep on the bed" Leo said rolling his eyes. 'I'm gonna show him I'll be the best big brother ever' Raph thought angrily as he layed on the floor. 'Man this is uncomfortable' Raph thought. "Stop making noises I cant sleep" Leo said. Raph mocked him. "Hey don't do that" Leo said. Raph mocked him again. "Ok stop" Leo said. "Ok fine only cause I'm tired" Raph said. Yeah nothing else. "Ok now lets sleep" Leo said before closing his eyes. Raph stayed up to watch Mikey. Hes a good brother. His eyes started to close. He opened them quickly. 'No I have to stay up to look after Mikey' Raph thought to himself. Mikey started wining in his sleep. "Mikey" Raph said looking at his brother. 'He's having a nightmare gotta wake him up' Raph thought getting up quickly and moved to the bed. "Mikey wake up your okay" Raph told Mikey. Mikey was still shaking and wining. Raph growled. "Mikey" Raph yelled. Mikey woke up along with Leo. "Why are you yelling Raph" Leo asked. "I had to Mikey was having a nightmare and wouldn't wake up" Raph said angrily crossing his arms. "Well thanks Raph" Mikey said smiling. "Heh no problem" Raph said smirking. "Well uh that was very nice of you Raph" Leo said. "Yeah yeah I know" Raph said. Leo rolled his eyes. "I'm going back to sleep" Leo said lying down. "Come on Mikey let's go back to your room" Raph said nicely. "Ok how'd I get here anyway" Mikey said/asked. "Oh you slepwalked in here" Raph said/explained. "Oh yeah" Mikey said. Raph and Mikey went to Mikey's room. Mikey layed down on his bed. Raph layed down on the floor. "Are you sure ya want ta go back to bed what if you have another nightmare" Raph asked worriedly. "You'll wake me up so it's not a problem" Mikey said not worried about it. Raph sighed. "Ok if ya say so" Raph said. Mikey smiled then fell asleep. Raph stayed up most of the night to make sure Mikey didn't have any nightmares once he was sure he fell asleep.

To be continued maybe...

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