Chapter 2: The Nighttime Encounter

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That night, Stephanie could not sleep as she lay silently in her bed, staring up at the ceiling of her hospital room.

Everything around her was peaceful and still, except the sounds of the clock on the wall that ticked continuously.

Sometimes, even if she was just a little tired, she would eventually go to sleep after getting comfortable in her hospital bed.

But since she is in a different country that was not on the map and in an unfamiliar room, she was hesitant to fall asleep comfortably.

Everything around her seemed different from how she used to be, from the 'language' people speaking, and how... strange they were.

She does not know why she could not sleep now that she is out of harm's way for now.

But something inside her kept telling her she was not out of harm's way yet, feeling like there could be something else wanting to attack her for no good reason.

She stared up at the ceiling, still thinking to herself about the unfamiliarity of her new surroundings.

Stephanie continued thinking about what would happen next until she heard the familiar sounds of a steam locomotive.

Instantly, she froze, feeling half scared and half curious about the steam locomotive she saw yesterday morning.

Her mind thought about the steam locomotive smiling at her with a beaming grin which made her shudder slightly with fear and feeling creeped out from the terrifying and uncomfortable grin until she thought of the words "Hello, there," from the steam locomotive that spoke to her.

It seemed terrifying for Stephanie to hear those words from a steam locomotive that has a face to her in person.

But at the same time, it seemed comforting for her to hear them.

Nevertheless, she still does not know what could happen next if she trusts the live steam locomotive with naïve trust, making her anxiety grow more and more at the thoughts.

Stephanie only remembers the faces of Dowager Hatt and the nurse, who she is trusting slowly, but does not know if the steam locomotive is one of them.

But on the other hand, the steam locomotive seemed to be friendly by how he greeted her when she looked out the window again.

Taking a deep and silent breath, she sat up from her bed and gently pushed the blankets off her body, revealing her slim body covered with a blue hospital gown the nurses gave her for the night to recover.

She shifted her legs over the edge of the bed and placed her bare feet on the ground, hesitating for a moment, rethinking her decision.

Of course, she was anxious to meet a talking steam locomotive, but she was curious to meet him.

He did greet her through the window by mouthing the words, "Hello, there."‌ to her.

The hair on the back of her neck prickled as her anxiety made her think of being kidnapped if she looked out the window.

Or worse, getting yelled at by a nurse working overnight if she produces too much noise.

Picking up Dowager Hatt's handkerchief from the counter table beside the bed to use for steadying her nerves down, she picked herself up from the bedside.

This time, she was not shaking from the lack of strength.

Glancing down at her arm, she noticed she still had the needle inserted in her arm, so she took the stand in her hand as the other was holding Dowager Hatt's handkerchief tightly.

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