Because before the 3rd week, Zendaya had passed through all the memories she had before death and saw how people were at her funeral. At the end of all the good, ugly, and outright terrifying things, she finally reached a space. A space that seemed awfully familiar. It felt homey, almost. It was a relief, honestly. She had no idea how she could relive thousands of hours rewatching some of those memories, but she did. And unbeknownst to her, the reactions she had shown how much of a balanced person she was. The person she was growing to be before that major test she went through.

She looked around for a while. She couldn't bring to her mind who she was supposed to meet for a while, then she got an image. It flashed across her multiple times until the final image remained. As a light being. Her-

"Spirit guide."

It smiled at her as she came to the realization. 

Now for her, that's such a strange-looking creature to be emanating such great high-frequency energy. To any human, it would've probably been scary, but she didn't feel scared. She doesn't know if it's because she had seen worse on earth or because she was a light being- or balanced- now. 

"I know you may have some questions for me. But,"

"Vice versa," it filled her in.

It seemed to talk but telepathically. 

She proceeded to ask her spirit-guide the questions.

From all she gathered, all that happened in her life, all things were pre-meditated. She wasn't even upset about it. Neither could she be if she wanted to. It was all her spirit's choice before she came into a 3D world.

"Wait, so I knew a demon was going to possess me and I still agreed??" She was baffled anyways. "Why?"

"Because you'd find your way through it. She was a test, as most things are in life and you pushed through." It came closer to her and she was washed with a sense of clarity and understanding. "You passed the test in some way. But Your death was too early."

"Why wasn't I sent back to my body?"

"It wasn't what you wanted."

Bruh, She thought. 

"Your soul agreed that it would stay around for longer being present and visible to the ones you love that still need you."

"we call on the sipirt of Zendaya Maree, Stoermer Coleman."

The voices of none other than Dani and Bella. The two sisters I love so much.

"call back to them. Send a frequency or sign that you hear them."

Zendaya focused on sending a very particular image through someone that texted one of them. Particularly Annabella, since she gets distracted easily. Paired with the sound of the chimes ringing rapidly for seven to eleven seconds. 

She could feel her spirit guide smile. She could feel the love radiate from it to her and she came to the conclusion that she wanted to present herself to them.

"Can I reincarnate? Or revive?"

"You can reincarnate, but not revive and not now."

She would've pouted slightly if she were still alive.

"You can go there and present yourself physically. In a manner that they can hold you if they wanted. You can go whenever you please, just don't trap yourself."

A twist In My life *completed* March 24 2021*sniffle*Where stories live. Discover now