chapter 1

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Goddammit! I was going to die at twenty-one. No one should have to deal with this much stress in their life. About a month ago, Lucian, Luke, had gotten stabbed on a mission. As I raced to the hospital, I didn't hear any of my other brothers weak reassurances that he was fine. He was doing spy work and was away from all of us at the time. We heard him fighting someone, and then radio silence. The Toma team-who we were working with at the time-saw him get injured, and a couple of them raced him to the Academy Hospital. Even Sean-who was a DOCTOR at the hospital- couldn't get any information until we got there.

I guess it ended up fine, with him just needed a shit-ton of stitches and rest, but damn if my heart didn't stop that day. He was the only one of my brothers who was blood related to me, if only by half. When my father had abandoned me, I had resigned myself to living on the streets until I could get a job I was twelve at the time. Meeting Silas had given me hope for the future but knowing that I still had blood-related family helped ground me. Except for when that family insisted on risking his health at every turn. With his stomach still tender, he wasn't supposed to be doing anything that wasn't approved by Sean or Dr. Roberts, but I turned my back and the next thing I know, hes falling out of a tree. And that is why I am speeding down the rode on my motorcycle, headed for the North Shore. Banging out of the house wasnt my proudest moment, but Im only human here! How many times can one person go through their sibling almost dying?

I parked my bike next to the rail, near a spot of the beach where there arent that many people. Breathing in the salty air, I walk onto the sand, boots and all. I sit with a heavy sigh, and close my eyes, the sound of waves crashes reminding me of Greece.


I wake up to mischief-filled giggles and smiles. Shafts of light fall onto my bed from where I didnt shut my curtains last night. I had a meeting with a new client and a deadline, not to mention the fact that the twins sitter called in sick. Thankfully the client was able to Skype, so I didnt have to leave the kids. I just set them up with Moana, and they were occupied for the duration of the meeting. With both of them sporting my green eyes and weird blonde hair, I was grateful every time I saw them. When I was sixteen, I started to act out. Now when I say that I dont mean drinking or doing drugs or anything.

My mother was a very sick woman, and with my father out of town so often, her medications werent exactly regulated like they were supposed to be. This led to her developing agoraphobia and having paranoid delusions about the world. At least once a day I would get lectured about how the only thing men wanted from women was sex, even if they had to force it. I went on believing this, not going to school, just teaching myself from whatever book I could get a hold of. We moved to South Carolina because of my fathers job, and mother got more strict. Not even letting me out to go on walks in the woods for the first month, she was out of her mind. She broke when my father insisted on me going to school with Marie for my Sophomore year. Kneeling in uncooked rice became an almost daily punishment.

When she escalated to making me drink lemon juice and vinegar, I met Sebastian. He became my first friend. We would talk in the library when we had study hall, and pass notes in the class that we shared. He didnt exactly have the best home life either, with a deceased mother, and an alcoholic for a father. He never pressed when I came to school with a limp or a new bruise. One night mother and father went on a trip with Marie over a weekend, and he invited me to his house. We had very awkward sex in his trailer home, basking in it for a few minutes before his dad came home drunk, and I had to sneak out.

Our relationship was strained after that. I didnt know how to fix it, but then it was to late. My mother had strangled me for the first time, tying me to a stool in the direct spray of the burning shower. I was there for hours before Marie found me, untying me with the tiniest bit of sympathy in her eyes. I couldnt take it anymore. I grabbed what I owned and ran. I ran until I reached Sebastians trailer, needing to just be held for a while. To make a plan before I started my journey as a runaway. When he let me inside, his face was tight, and as soon as I sat down o his bed, he ripped the bandage off. He told me after the other night, he knew for sure that he was gay. He wanted us to be friends, but at the same time he wanted a clean break. He didnt want to remember what we did together.

So I ran from him to. I ran and ran until I found an alley to sleep in for the night. Weeks went by and I found myself in front of a hospital. Mother had always told me how bad they were, but I had been vomiting every day and at this point, any more could kill me. And so, I met Dr. Roberts. He made me open up to him, and I found myself with another friend. He was there for me when it came out that I was pregnant with twins no less. He was with me through my pregnancy. He was with me when I found out that I was a Ghost, that my mother really wasnt really my mother. After Britta and Beau were born, he helped me join the Academy and provide for my kids. Now, Im twenty-two with a solid career as a free-lance artist. My children are healthy, and Ive gained a family, Phil became a father to me and comes to check on me and the kids often. The Academy sometimes sends me jobs that only a Ghost could do, but for the most part, they respect that I had the twins to take care of.

The laughter grows and Im shaken free from my reminiscing. I get out of my bed and start to get dressed for the day. I slip on a tankini first. This past week Ive really been swamped with work and havent had a chance to take the kids out. Id change that today. The black cloth dotted with bright red cherries made me smile. I pulled a light pink t-shirt over my suit, along with some white denim shorts. I complete the look with some black flip flops and a bun. I listen to Britta and Beaus chatter for another second before I open my door. Time to get on with my day.

Sangs tankini at the top just black

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