I miss you Adam

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Adam's: POV

Me and Robyn were in a supermarket to buy food. She played with her Jessie doll while I checked the list. I jumped when I felt a hand on my butt. I looked up and saw Cody. A smirk spreds on his face.

"How dare you?" I asked coldly. "Nice to see you too." he said. "Put your hands on me again and I smack you." I replied warned. "I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." said Cody.

"Sure." I muttred. "I won't do it again, I promise." he said. "Why are you here?" I asked annoyed. "I'm on vacation." he said.

"Do you want to eat pancakes or waffles for dessert?" I asked. "Waffles." said Robyn. "Good choice." I replied with a smile on my face.

"I miss you Adam." said Cody. "I'm happy with Oliver." I replied. "Please, give me a second change." he begged. I'm not your pet and I'm tired of getting my heart broken. I know you were cheating on me, while we were still together." I said.

I swallowed your lies because I was so in love with you. You broke my heart but I won't pick up the pieces, you deserve to feel my pain!" I said. Have you been thinking about becoming a poet?" asked Cody. "Goodbye." I said and left him.


I'd threw away the trash, when someone pushed me to the ground and hit my face with a gun. The person broke my lip and I felt blood taste in my mouth.

Then he stood up and pointed the gun at me. "This is for you." said Cody and shot. My head began to spinning and I felt very dizzy. No scream left my mouth.

The mechanical smell of blood hung like a thick fog in the air. I coughed heavily and threw up. My heart began to beat slower and slower. I couldn't hold my eyes open and everything went black.


I hope you liked the chapter


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