how things will work

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If you were not here for the original version, ignore the mention of old chapters. Just procede as usual.

the chapters will be like

short author's note


short author's note



I'll write a few chapters and publish them later at different times while I'm writing more chapters.
Also I'm aware that some people don't read the little notes at the beginning and end, but please do, because I inform you all about anything that's different, any warnings, or just anything you need to know in those. I also just want to be friendly with everyone!

In most chapters, Denki and Shinsou are either dating or basically dating, but it might change in the future. idk we'll see, depends on what I wanna write.

The quality of 3 chapters in particular will be worse than the others because I wrote them almost 2 years ago and I sucked at writing back then.
I don't know what else to add. I will add something if I think of it though.

I'll post the old chapters that I'm proud of so that new people can read them. Though not one after the other, because shinsous bday is coming up, and then Mic's right after.
the original version has been deleted, unfortunately. I will miss the comments, but we can make new ones. Please re- read the chapters, there are only 3 old ones. You'll notice that a lot of things changed, like Shinsoup is no longer a thing. That's because I couldn't think of a story that I was proud of for it. Big and little things in the chapters changed.

i hope this is ok, if anything is wrong then just tell me


Does anyone have any suggestions? I need some variety.

if you have something for a ship chapter, put it here.

family hanging out in any way idea, put it here.

other, put it here

also it doesn't matter when you start reading, you can still comment your recommendations here but only in this chapter, the day you start reading.
if I ask in the future, only comment over there if there aren't any chapters after that one. if that's confusing I'm sorry just please ask me to explain it better-

have a great whenever you're reading, and I'm looking forward to whatever is gonna happen here!
bye friends!!

i must let it be known that I am in love with Denki kaminari and it took me way too long to choose a picture of him to show because I have so many

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i must let it be known that I am in love with Denki kaminari and it took me way too long to choose a picture of him to show because I have so many.
not my art btw.

if you do wanna see my art i have a book-
ignore the first few pieces, I sucked back then😭

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