Adora pretend-revved her Barbie bike, while Bow burned his tires by peddling on the brakes.

"Screeeeee-" he added for effects.

Glimmer cracked her knuckles to intimidate them. It was very intimidating. Very.

"Three" Adora whispered

Bow joined in




Adora pushed on the pedals and gunned it down the main aisle. Her feet were going a mile a second as she weaved in and out of customers and aisles.

She cut through the clothes section, snagging her elbow on a onesie but didn't let the abomination distract her.

Up ahead was a large shelving unit where preteen girl shirts with stupid little inspirations hung. Adora pushed on the brakes and tried to epically drift a 90 degree angle but ended up on her side instead.

"Well fuckle. That didn't work" she muttered and righted herself before taking off again.

Barbie vroom-vroomed back in another main aisle, approaching the food section rapidly. She saw Bow emerge from the clearance section on her right, swerving to avoid a customer.

Adora pedaled harder. The adrenaline was pumping through her veins, giving her a buzzy feeling. She wasn't even high.

"PEDESTRIANS ARE 100 POINTS!" Adora yelled at him, hoping her sly trickery would fool or at least tempt Bow.

"Oh well in that case-"
Bow  yanked his handlebars to a sharp left and tried to strike a customer. it worked. He was tricked.

Just kidding. He didn't. He wasn't fooled.

He just kept going forward like a motherfucker, passing the customer without even trying to hit him. Disappointing.

"Damn" Adora frowned. "Bow is too clever for me. But if I watched enough Wacky Races, I know sabotage is the next best thing"

Bow went down the chip aisle while Adora chose the one next to it. The soda department. Pedaling hard, Adora grabbed a Pepsi off the shelf and got ready for when the aisles ended. As the row ended, leading to the open area of the fridgy part, Adora hurled the soda at Bow's big wheel tire, flipping the bike.

"Adora!!" Bow cried out in betrayal.


With one opponent eliminated, Adora looked around for Glimmer to emerge, and immediately saw the Elsa bike fly out of the bakery section.

The moo-moo juice is just ahead, just keep going just keep going

Bow began cheering wildly as two Walmart employees came running to the fridges. One threatened to call security if Adora didn't get off the bike, but Adora pretended she was deaf.

"I don't know English!" Glimmer yelled, faking a British accent. Brilliant. Why didn't Adora think of that?

"Me neither!" She screamed, turning a hard left to avoid the employee; narrowly making it past his legs. Glimmer has also managed to escape the Walmart boi, pedaling even harder than before.

"You're sweating!" Adora pointed out, close enough to see the beads of sweat dripping down her face.

"So are you!" Glimmer panted, grinning.

Their trikes were about to intercept, with the Moo-moo juice just ahead; the fridge lights shining like the golden gates of Heaven.

"Amen" Glimmer breathed.
Then she reached an arm out and shoved Adora off the Barbie bike.

Adora went tumbling on the ground, breaking every bone in her body.

"I'm dying" she told Glimmer.

"You're not" Glimmer replied, touching the fridge. She wasn't fooled.

"Fuck." Adora cursed and stood up to see five Walmart employees glaring down at her.

"Wow you're tall- haha- bye"

Adora darted away from the scary men and towards the exit. Glimmer and Bow soon joined her, laughing as they avoided security and other customers.

They passed the abominable onesie that Adora knew made her lose the race.

'Goodness, my narration humor is extremely dry this chapter. Must be the alcohol kicking in' she thought. 

The wind blew through Adora's hair as they automatic doors slid open slowly.

"Hurrrryyy" Bow ushered the doors, looking with panic behind at the men catching up.

"Wow Bow! I think the doors are moving faster! You see that? Hey! They are!" Adora pointed.

"Shut up, Adora" Glimmer snorted, punching her in the arm as they jogged through the second row of automatic doors.

As soon as the warm night air tugged at their skin, they sighed in relief; but continued to run until they were off the Walmart property.

They stood there trying to catch their breaths for a while, high off of what they just did. Adora felt like electricity was coursing through her veins. Her senses were heightened, and her mind alert.

"Haha, well I know someone has to dress up in the bee costume" Glimmer smirked. 

No one responded, because they all ran out at the same time. And Glimmer was eliminated from losing because she reached the moo-moo juice first. 

Adora's hands rested on her knees as she bent over in exhaustion. She gulped huge breaths of air, trying to get oxygen back in her system.

"I can't believe I lost to a dirty trick" Bow frowned. 

He gave Adora a teasing scowl.

Adora put her hands up in surrender "Whoops. Wasn't me. You were imagining it"

"Yeah Bow," Glimmer taunted, "you imagined the bottle of Pepsi being hurled at you" she rolled her eyes, laughing.

"Hey wait; you saw that?" Adora asked, appalled. Her mouth gaped open, like it were a huge mystery.

They began walking towards the next shop.

"I see everything" Glimmer said seriously.

The streetlights cast an ominous glare on the world. But to Adora, night made everything bigger; you could see beyond just Earth.

"Ooh how edgy" Bow mocked, waving his fingers in a dramatic 'woohoo' way.

"So who's going to be the bee?" 

Glimmer asked. 

"Well obviously we're going to need a tie breaker..." Adora offered. 

"TO THE NEXT STORE!" Bow declared

Hey Adora (Catradora)Where stories live. Discover now