Walmart Racers

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Adora raced to the back of Walmart for her favorite tricycle.

Bow and Glimmer were close behind, laughing at Adora's enthusiasm for this race.

When they approached the shelves, Adora frowned at the absence of the Barbie trike.

"It's not here" She frowned. Her shoulders sagged, and her body seemed to deflate in defeat.

"It should be, let's look harder"  Bow insisted, pulling down a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle big wheel.

The shoppers paid them no attention as they walked by, barely glancing even when Adora began to climb the rack for a better view of all the bikes.

With one hand she grabbed hold of the shelf, and the other was curved into a telescope. Adora held the telescope to her eye and quite frankly looked like a pirate scoping for dry land.

One leg hung out freely, making her seem more carefree, and dangerously close to falling and splitting her head on the hard tile floor.

"Oh! I see it!" Adora exclaimed, pointing to the end of the aisle. She leapt down, almost hitting Glimmer, who frowned but stepped back.

Adora ran down to the Barbie bike and hugged it affectionately, kneeling in the process.

"If you like it that much, why don't you buy it?" Bow asked, sitting on the big wheel.

Adora tsked.

"Because I'm broke. And if you love something, let it free" she said bluntly, as if that were the most obvious reason.

"I think the saying went 'let it go' or something." Glimmer cut in.

"Yeah well Frozen kinda ruined that, now didn't she?" Adora sneered back.
"Fuck Elsa" she muttered to herself.

Bow giggled as Adora dramatically removed the Barbie bike from the rack and slammed it on the ground, faking aggression.

The customers were beginning to give them weird looks now. They were careful not to make eye contact, as if looking at three teen during midnight while they sat on trikes was taboo. Which is a mouthful to say, by the way.

Glimmer finally chose a Frozen trike with a picture of Elsa generating her magic snow just to prove some point and sat down.

"She's so fucking smug about her snow. Look at her. Look at that smug smirk. She's just staring at you smirking." Adora muttered bitterly.

She had a grudge against Elsa. Horrific betrayal that went way back.

The gang huddled together and made war plans.

"So. Here's the tea. We-"

"You used tea incorrectly, Adora you use it-"

"Shut up, anyways, we start here and bike to the fridgy cold parts where the moo-moo juice is and-"

"Moo-moo juice?"

"Milk. Whatever. Doesn't matter how you get there, as long as you get there alive. Without getting kicked out. First one there wins. If we all get kicked out... God have mercy on our souls"

Bow giggled again and said, "alright"

Glimmer peddled Elsa to the end of the aisle where the imaginary line was.

They lined up, under the spotlight of LED Walmart panels shining down on them.

Three heroes ready to race for all the honor a grocery store could possibly give them at (now nearly) 1 AM

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