One on one

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"two girls from different worlds, coming together for a game... of... BASKETBALLLLLLLLLLL!" Bow announced.

"On the home team is our very own poofy hair ADORAAAAAA" He pointed at Adora with flair and dramatic gesture.

"And on the visiting, the mysterious aloof ex-Horde member..... CATRA" He whirled around and mock glared with determination. Then he winked and grinned widely.

"LEts DO THIS!!!"He shouted

Mermista held the ball and tossed it up. Adora immediately jumped, snatching the ball from the air and dribbling it around Catra who stood there nonchalant.

With one swift move, Adora jumped and dunked the ball in the net, showing off.

"C'mon Catra, lets see you try. Or are you admitting defeat?" Adora taunted.

Catra laughed manically. "Hardly, Princess"

She darted and grabbed the ball from Adora

"Hey! It was yours any-"

"Shut up, princess"

Catra was a literal demon on the court, dodging under Adora's attempt to play defense. She twisted and turned her way to the opposite end and shot through an opening in Adora's arms.

"C'mon, I thought basketball was supposed to be the one thing you're good at"

Before Catra could react, Adora grabbed the basketball and with one arm hucked it behind her.


"And I thought you were supposed to be quicker"

Catra growled and darted down the court, grabbing the ball and crouching like a tiger stalking prey. She didn't move at all, staring intensely into Adora's eyes like a predator.

"What are you-"

"Come get the ball, Adora" Catra said dangerously.

"Ohhhhhhhh this is getting intense" Bow squealed to himself. He grabbed Glimmer and hugged her in delight. "Lets cheer for Adora!"

Catra frowned as everyone began shouting Adora's name.

She snarled and without meaning to, let her claws slide out. Penetrating the ball, everyone groaned as the sound of a deflation filled the air.

"Really, Catra" Adora said unamused.

"I didn't mean- Ahem, I mean, fuck that game. If I won people might actually expect me to start doing things"

"Uhhuh" Adora smirked, quickly turning into a facial expression of concern as Catra pulled out a knife.

"What do you say, princess. A battle?"

Adora stepped back, "No Catra, thats too much. Put the knife away"

Catra laughed crazily, throwing her head back.

"Thats exactly what a princess would say, but what can I expect from a prissy princess who has everything given to her?!"

She took a step forward.

Adora stepped back.

"The sad thing is I spent all this time hoping you'd come back. When really, you leaving was the best thing that happened to me. I told you before, I hate you Adora. "

Adora spat on the court and glared. "Then why the fuck would you invite me to the dance?! Was that some part of your twisted way to get at me!?"

Silence. Catra blinked. What?

Everyone on the sides burst into muttering.

"What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't invite you to the dance! Why the fuck would I do that?" Catra hissed.

Adora looked like someone had slapped her across the face. She staggered back and seemed to be on the verge of falling over.

"But I-" She swallowed hard. Then she turned around, forcing a glare.

"Come on Bow, Glimmer, lets get out of here"

Bow and Glimmer sent dirty looks at Catra and followed Adora toward the parking lot.

They both wrapped their arms around Adora and seemed to be pep talking her.

Catra watched as they got into a red jeep and drove off. As soon as they were out of sight, she turned around and faced the staring crowd.

"Now what was that about?" Scorpia asked.


Catra felt like shit. She didn't know what the fuck Adora was talking about, but part of her felt guilty it had hurt Adora that much.

The dance... when did you ask her to the dance?

Every year there was an annual prom hosted by the princesses of Etheria. This year was going to be snow themed, hosted by Princess Frosta. Catra thought dances were stupid, but it was her last year and part of her wanted to go with someone. But she didn't know who to ask. Apparently she had asked Adora, but when? She didn't ever recall saying "dance" around anyone, much less Adora.

I could bring Scorpia maybe?

Scorpia was nice but overwhelming and didn't know the meaning of personal space. She would definitely take this as a date date, and not a friends thing. Or she could just go with Double Trouble, her on and off friend.

Her and DT had a weird relationship where they equally disliked each other as much as they liked each other. This left them always on the distant, knowing that they stuck together because they had no one else.

As Catra walked home, she felt her stomach churn. Actually Adora would be a nice companion to the dance...

I mean, they fit nicely together, a badass and a jock. The cliche high school friendship.

Catra shook those thoughts away.

Besides, her goal was to tear the school apart, not find some stupid date to the dance.

Now to go home and plan a prom catastrophe...


Imagine having enough motivation to plan a prom catastrophe. I can only imagine. Today my cat meowed at me and I almost cried. This cat is fucking planning world domination.

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