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"Whoa whoa whoa" Catra laughed.
"That was sudden"

She-ra growled in anger and picked up the sword. She lunged at Catra who froze mid laugh.

"Uh, Adora? Are you oka-"
She-ra swung.

Catra ducked, eyes widened like saucers. "What the Hell was in that drink??" she cried out and darted for the door.

She-ra grabbed Catra by the hood as she ran by and slammed her to the ground. She made growling noises and Catra noticed her eyes were bloodshot. 

"What the actual fuck" Catra muttered in intimidation. She-ra knelt and reared back. A punch landed next to Catra's head, making a huge dent in the floor.

"How do you even get that good at punching?" Catra raised an eyebrow. She felt a smirk come on as she dodged Adora's blows one by one.

She-ra grumbled and roared in anger.

"You think I care whether you live or not?" she laughed.
Slowly, she stood and stared down Catra. "You play mind games, and you trick me, use my feelings against me. You. Are. Cold.".
She-ra lunged at Catra again and was caught off guard by her replying attack.

Catra struck Adora in the face and tripped her, sending her sword flying across the room.

She-ra transformed back into Adora, slinking to the ground and passing out. This earned a sigh of relief from Catra. That is, however, until she woke up.

"Heyyy Catra" Adora said, drunk as hell.

"Um are you okay Adora?" Catra looked down.

"Just peachy" Adora grinned.

"Okay you're not okay, let's get you to Sparkles" Catra started to pull on Adora to lift her. Adora flopped back down and giggled.

"I wanna stay here with you" she snickered. Then she pointed an accusing drunk finger at Catra.
"You're mean"

The door swung open again, this time Scorpia and Perfuma holding hands stared.

"Oh my goodness, this is not a bedroom. Oh hey wildcat!"  Scorpia said innocently.

Perfuma facepalmed.

"Come help me with Adora, shes being difficult!" Catra hissed.

Scorpia ran over and evaluated the scenario.

"Whoaaa, you are a big bug" Adora sat up and narrowed her eyes. She pointed her finger again and made little pinching gestures.
"Pinch pinch, haha" she giggled.

"Well aren't you observant" Scorpia marveled. "I'm guessing she's drunk?" 

Catra nodded. "Entrapta gave us a drink, I have no clue what it was but it affected her really badly and now we need to find Sparkles so she doesn't get hurt in this state"

She bent down and tried to pick up the flopping Adora.

"I know my 50 states" Adora mumbled.

"That's great!" Scorpia gushed, "Me too! There's Wyoming, Maine, Nebraska, Texas-"

"Yeah Scorpia I'm going to need you to shut up" Catra muttered and attempted to pick Adora up again. Finally Adora let herself be carried and laughed at Catra.

"You look like a tomato" she giggled. "I love squishy tomatoes: squish squish" Adora slurred.

"Yeah me too, princess" Catra blushed.

Adora began to slip from her grasp but Scorpia stepped in and picked Adora up like she weighed nothing.

"Okay wildcat, lead the way"

Finding Sparkles wasn't that easy, they kept being stopped by people who questioned Adora's well being and why she was with Catra.

"Just look for Glimmer, will you?" Catra said for the millionth time to a stranger who asked. Her eye twitched with annoyance.

Then she pushed them aside and led Scorpia around the house.

Finally they found the girl playing spin the bottle.

"Hey sparkles, your friend here got drunk" Catra said, forcing her voice to sound uninterested.

"Adora?" Glimmer asked, then noticed Scorpia holding her.

"Oh my goodness we need to go home right away! My mom is going to kill me!" Glimmer panicked and patted Adora on the head.

"Hiiiii Glimmer" Adora snickered and looked around.
"Wheres Catra? She's mean"

Catra felt her heart flutter and sink at the same time. Hearing her name come so innocently from Adora's mouth made her stomach feel weird. She couldn't quite pin what that feeling was.

"I'm right here" she felt her mouth quake. Something wasn't right, part of her wanted to embrace the girl and protect her from every harm that could ever come her way.

"I don't wanna go home, I wanna hang with Catra" Adora slurred.

Billions of fireworks exploded in Catra's stomach. She shoved them down.

"Ah, you know, we kinda hate each other remember?" Catra informed.

Scorpia opened her mouth
"Oh actually you told me-"


Glimmer laughed and reached an arm out to grab Adora. Scorpia set her down so that Glimmer could wrap an arm around the blonde's waist and hold her up.

"Let's go Catra" Scorpia said.

Frowning, Catra turned away and let Scorpia lead her back to wherever.

Something inside Catra just didn't feel right


"There, now go to sleep" Glimmer told Adora, gently putting her down.

Bow chewed his nails with nervousness as he watched Adora lay down in her bed.
The three had snuck in, hoping Angella wouldn't check up on them. Luckily the queen was too busy watching Harry Potter with intense concentration.

"I didn't wanna leave" Adora murmured. "I like Catra, but she's meaaaan" She giggled.

Glimmer looked at Bow with worry.
"Do you think...?"

Bow nodded his head and bit his lip. He watched Adora fall asleep and when he was certain she was; the two tip toed out of the room.

"A Horde scum?" Glimmer whisper yelled as soon as they were outside her room.

"I don't know Glimmer, maybe she's nice?"

"Bow, we both know she's NOT nice" 

Bow shrugged "everyone can be nice"

Glimmer stretched her arms out in exasperation.
"Everyone can be nice BUT her! She has made it her goal to destroy Adora!"

Bow followed after Glimmer as she stormed off.

Back in her bed, Adora opened her eyes. Good. They were gone.


Don't do it Adora, you know what's coming.

And about my dad's midlife crisis, it'd be funny if he wasn't such a terrible person. Yeah see where I got that? Yeah yeah. Here's a She-ra meme

 Here's a She-ra meme

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