4.22 Lucifer Rising - part 1

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(Third POV)

Sam and Ruby are standing by an orange car out front of an old farm house. "Sam? Your head in the game here?" Ruby asks. "I'm good. Let's go." Sam says after a small pause. "You okay?" Ruby asks with a frown. "I just said I was." Sam says evasively.

"Look, I know hand-holding really isn't my thing... but still, Dean was wrong, saying what he said to you." Ruby says, shrugging her shoulders. "No, he was right to say it. I mean, I don't blame him after what I did." Sam says. "Well, after we're done, you guys will patch things up. I mean, you always do." Ruby says.

"You're talking like I've got an 'after'." Sam says, making Ruby frown. "Don't say that." She says. "I can feel it inside me, Ruby. I've changed... for good. And there's no going back now." Sam says. "Sam –" Ruby begins. "Look, I know what I gotta do. It's okay, I'm just saying, Dean's better off as far away from me as possible. Anyways. Doesn't matter, let's just get this done with." Sam says, getting in the car.


(Your POV)

I have been banging on the walls of this room for hours, the room healing itself every time. "For god's sake..." I mutter, seeing the damage heal again. "You should stop, you're tyring yourself out." I hear from behind me. I look over and see Castiel looking back at me.

"I don't have anything to say to you." I say, turning my back towards him. I hear him sigh and walk closer. "I know you don't understand, but this is god's will. It must be done." He says, making me scoff. "Well, you and God can fuck off for all I care." I say, still with my back towards him.

"Y/n..." I hear Castiel sigh. I turn around and strike him in his face, my hand immediately hurting like hell upon contact. I grip my hand with my other hand and gasp from the pain. I turn away from him again, masking the pain that I was feeling. He then turns me around again, taking my injured hand in his. He heals it and looks up in my eyes with sadness. He then disappears in thin air.


(Third POV)

Dean is staring out the window, Bobby is behind him. "Dean? Dean! You listen to a word I said?" Bobby asks yelling. "Yeah, I heard you. I'm not calling him." Dean says with a brooding face. "Don't make me get my gun, boy." Bobby says, making Dean turn to face him.

"We are damn near kickoff for Armageddon, don't you think we got bigger fish at the moment?" Bobby asks, seeing the anger on Dean's face. "I know you're pissed. And I'm not making apologies for what he's done, but he's your—" Bobby begins, getting interrupted by Dean.

"Blood? He's my blood, is that what you were gonna say?" Dean asks. "He's your brother. And he's drowning." Bobby explains sadly. "Bobby, I tried to help him, I did. Look what happened." Dean says, shrugging his shoulders. "So try again." Bobby says, frowning at Dean.

"It's too late." Dean says, shaking his head. "There's no such thing." Bobby says. "No, damnit! No. I gotta face the facts. Sam never wanted part of this family. He hated this life growing up. Ran away to Stanford first chance he got. Now it's like déjà vu all over again." Dean says, sitting down. "Well, I am sick and tired of chasing him. Screw him, he can do what he wants." He then says again.

"You don't mean that." Bobby says, shaking his head in disbelief. "Yes I do, Bobby. Sam's gone. He's gone. I'm not even sure if he's still my brother anymore. If he ever was." Dean says. Bobby turns and leans on the table, fuming. After a moment he makes a big angry sweep with his hands, tossing books and papers to the ground. He advances on Dean, who stands.

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