Perfect Friendship

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"Hey Sascha,are you ready to go?"I asked tall boy who was in his room "yeah I am" "okay,let's go then"

First place I was going to show him were Park,my favorite place in town.

"Here we are"I said with a small smile on my face.

"It's very beautiful here"Sascha replied

"So let's get to know each other" I said as I looked at his beautiful eyes.

"Yeah.Why not"Sascha said "I will start" he took breath in and started talking about his life

After few hours we decided to go back home because we will have practice early.

"Mom,we are back!"I yelled to my mother because I didn't know where she was.

"Okay honey, you guys should go to sleep,it's pretty late"she told us.

"Okay,we will,good night mom"

"Good night kids"

"It was very nice spending time with you" Sascha said once we got upstairs

"It was nice spending time with you,too" I said

"Good night y/n"

"Good night Sascha"

Next morning I woke up because of my mother,who was yelling to wake Sascha and Me up.


"Y/N! YOU GUYS MUST GET UP,YOU HAVE PRACTICE" mom yelled back at me.

"Ugh okay" I said clearly annoyed "I will wake up Sascha" God that boy can sleep with my mom yelling,he must be wizard or something like that

"Sascha wake up"

"Let me sleep just five more minutes" he said with sleepy voice

"I can't, we must go and I can't go without you" I said

"Then come here"

"Wh- what?"I asked as If I didn't heard what he said

"Come lay next to me" he looked at me "please" He said with puppy eyes

"Ugh.Okay,I will" I said smiling
I laid next to him and and closed my eyes,for just 5 minutes.

Soon,I fall asleep again and 1 hour later mom was at doors again.

She decided to take some photos of me and Sascha and then she woke us up

"Kids,wake up!"

I snuggled to Sascha and my head was on his chest.

"Mom,just 5 minutes"

"Y/n,It's 9 AM" she said "you guys are late"

I jumped of bed and started waking Sascha up

"Sascha wake up!!!We are late"


After we finally woke up,we rushed downstairs to go out on practice.

(Time skip because I'm lazy)

We came back from practice and Sascha's parents wanted to talk to us

"So,we need to tell you something" Mrs.Zverev said.

"Mischa and Sascha,you guys have a match tomorrow at the same time,and we don't know who we should go watch..."Mrs.Zverev started

"It's okay,go watch Mischa,he is your first son" Sascha said with a bit anger in his voice

"Are you sure you're okay with that Sascha?" Mr.Zverev asked

"Yes,of course I am,that will not be first time no one from family isn't watching my match" he said

"I will go to your match Sascha" I said "everyone is going to watch Mischa and I am going to watch you"

"Really?" Sascha asked with smile on his face

"Yes of course" I replied

He hugged me.

"Thank you y/n"

"Your welcome Sasch"

-soo I'm so sorry you guys had to wait so long,but I will try to write more.byee!

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