"Yeah, I did" I answered with a smile "She's adorable" Ann chuckled.

"I know right? She draws too and has a nick for designs and all those related stuff. I was going to introduce you to her since she has always wanted to meet with one" she said and my eyes widened in surprise and amusement.

"But I am not popular and not really a great designer," I said to her.

"She wants to meet a designer, not a celebrity designer, and mind you, you are already a celeb and your works are great, how many times do we have to go over this?" she placed her hands on her hips and I grinned.

"Sorry mum" I apologized and she shook her head "Have you seen Ricardo yet?" I asked.

"Err... I think I saw him with Pastor Daniel some minutes ago" she says as she looked around.

"Okay, how long have you known Angela?" I asked and she looked at me.

"Since I joined this church and when we went on outreaches like this, that should be about like, three... four years ago" she replied and I nod my head then looked outside at Angela who raised her head from the building the Lego and looked at me then she smiled before getting back to what she was doing.

"Okay," I replied then I looked at her and smiled.

I think she noticed some a bit off about me but I was glad she decided not to ask now. I don't think I want to talk about anything now.

Ricardo White

The service was really amazing today and I am so glad that Morgan was able to come with us. I rarely ever go though but going to the LORD's presence is a beautiful thing. Minutes after the service closed, we all went to the 'LOVE&HOPE' orphanage for outreach.

This 'Give for a Smile' program has been going on for a long time before Ann invited me to this church. I loved the aim of the program and that's why I gave my full support when I knew how I could/make people smile... little kids, older kids, teenagers, adults... it's a great opportunity for me and a privilege for me to partake in it.

It was pretty hard for me and my brother and when we were growing up, although money really didn't seem to be the issue for us since we are well like everyone got their own problems to deal with, it doesn't always have to be finance related. Our dad was with us but we were still pushing to be okay then he died and it got worse.

I was so devastated, weak to the bone and I was in high school while Richard was just getting into high school... those were memories I just didn't want to remember or think about... I am just glad that I have my brother with me, then there's Morgan, who can lighten up your day with her beautiful smile, and Ann who's there as our mother, I am just grateful to GOD and glad that I could bless lives through this.

"Pastor Daniel?" I called the pastor in charge.

He was speaking with an elder in the church, Mrs. Curt... I think that's her name, he turned to me when he heard me call him and smiled then gestured for me to hold on as he continued talking with her.

I turned around as I watched the kids running around, playing, the older ones were reading, some formed a cliché, talking, laughing... just having fun.

"Ricardo!" I heard a squeal from behind me and knew who that voice belonged to so I immediately turned to one of my favorite people in the world.

"Angela!" I said with the right amount of energy she said my name, I went on one knee and opened my arms wide for her to get in my embrace, which she did and I lifted her up and then twirled her around as she held onto me and giggled.

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