Chapter 32

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"I am going. And I swear I will never be back here. But please forget him. Move on. Start a new life or whatever but move on. He isn't worth all this. You still have hope to find your happy ending and you don't need a person for that, you just need to find yourself again, but for that you need to close this one chapter that you're so stubborn to close. I am out of your life and will never come to you again. I promise." I whisper the last part before walking to the door and closing it.

My mom didn't need me right now. No what she needed was herself. A daughter would be the last thing she needed right now. She has to move on, and for that she needs to start a fresh life. A life where I am not there, where my dad is not there. She had to learn to love herself before she even thought about loving and caring for someone else and I was going to give her that. I don't know what is going to happen after today to her, but today was the day I lost the mother that I never had.

(Ethan's Point of View)

"Hi Ethan... This is... This is... Lucas." I hear him say, his voice pained and hoarse. "Lucas?" I ask my eyes wide. "Yes... Look I need help." He whispers and I hear him cough.

"W-Whats wrong?" I ask, my heart beating faster for some reason. It was as if I knew what happened and I hated the thought of what I was thinking coming true. "He came back Ethan... And it wasn't good. M-My mom... she broke down and my brother... He just stood there trying to help my mom. And I tried to push him out. But he just pushed me back and begged my mom to take him back... A-And before we knew it... there were punches and kicks..." He says and I immediately knew what happened.

This wasn't the first time his father... beat him up. No, the first time was when Lucas was 13, we both went home from school and then I don't know what exactly happened, since Lucas didn't tell me all the details but his father seemed drunk and beat the shit out of Lucas. Lucas ended up somehow walking to my house and stayed the night and made me promise him that I won't tell anyone. He still loved his dad and said it was just a drunk mistake.

"I-I am coming. You're at your house right?" I ask. "Yeah. Sitting in the front porch." He says and I hear glass shattering too. "I will be there." I say and hang up. I look back at the front door and see the door closed. As much as I want to stay here and wait for Amelia, Lucas needs me and I know Amelia is strong enough to handle whatever happens.

I look back at the front door once more for a sigh of Amelia before sighing and driving to Lucas's house. Somehow even after almost 4 years I remembered the route to his house like the back of my hand. I entered the familiar neighborhood and stopped in front of his house. I saw him sitting on the steps of his front porch, his head in his hands and just as I got out of the car I heard glass breaking and the sound of someone shouting from the inside of the house.

What the hell is happening?

I closed and locked my car causing Lucas to look up and once I saw his face I froze. He had a black eye, bruises all over his face and a big gash on his cheek. His face lost all its colour and he looked horrible. I noticed his neck and saw that it was reddish and purplish and had clear finger marks on it as if someone choked him.

My mouth parted and I tried to say something but no words could form in my throat. Anger was building inside of me and I wanted nothing much to punch the living shit out of Lucas's stupid excuse of a father.

"Hey." He mumbles and gets up, stumbling slightly. I immediately went over to him and put his arm around my shoulder helping him towards my car. "What is happening inside?" I ask as I look at him. He sighs before shaking his head. "Mom is having another mental breakdown... Ever since they got a divorce two years ago she has been... mentally unstable. So today when he showed up she lost it and then seeing me caused her to start sobbing. Bryan (Lucas's elder brother) says it's because I look like him so he told me to go outside." He mumbles.

The Not-so Happy Ending | ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu