Shrimp Flavored Cup Noodles (Part 2)

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The girl mutters a yawn as she finds herself cuddled in a thin blanket in a moving truck. She had noticed there was a small window connecting the front seats to the back storage space.

Y/N saw her newly older brother, he took a glance to the back. Solidly aware of how she was awake.

The girl had begun sat up, taking a stretch while wrapping the warm blanket back around herself.

The area was cramped, but Y/N was used to sleeping in a curled up position. She had never favorited the feeling of a wide open space.

She heard snores, and looked to the right of her to see a sleeping Eiji. The blacked hair boy hugged his crunched backpack as a pillow, sleeping peacefully.

The louder more juvenile snores came from the taller male, who's hair was noticeably messy and frizzed. He slept in a weird position, assumingly what he had found the most comfort in before passing out.

Y/N would be lying if she didn't feel shy at first, taking off with this group of boys and her supposed brother.

But after a short while, they had made it clear that they weren't anyone to be suspicious about.

This and the unsettling feeling of familiarity these boys presented her with. Made her choose to trust them.

"Are you going back to sleep?" Her brother whispered in a clear yet hushed tone to her. She moved her eyes to him, and shook her head.

A few seconds of silence had passed, Y/N had been wrapped upright with her blanket. A few thoughts had passed through her head.

Why couldn't she remember before the events of today?

And why does she feel like she knows something?

The thoughts were frustrating, she had to remind herself she was just a young girl caught up in this situation. She knew she shouldn't be this trusting to these men.

"It's almost sunrise. We are going to stop by a gas station. What do you want to eat."

The older man, who's name she had found out was Max. Whispered over to her in a hushed voice. She thought for a few seconds.

"Cup in noodles." She smiled containing a bit of derp. She was hungry, she couldn't remember the last time she had eaten. The stress definitely didn't help.

"Eh? That's unhealthy..." Max lectured in a concerned tone, before earning a small death stare from Y/N. The older man gave out a laugh. "My bad, what flavor?"

"Shrimp." The girl mumbled, giving a yawn full of tiredness.

She heard her older brother give a quiet laugh at her immaturity. Despite a voice full of sleepiness, she claimed she was fully awake.

"Tired already... Take a nap, when you wake up you can have your ramen." Ash stated reaching to the back to pat her head down.

She muttered something inaudible before closing her eyes, and drifting away into sleep.

A dark room. A blurry face with golden locks screams out a horrific cry of torment, completely helplessly struggling his eyes lose light.

Watching a man with a bare chest, which held a bleeding bullet get ushered away. The purple damaged hair grew dull.

There was a boy, dark hair and a bleeding cut along his arms. Eyes wide with shock and flooded guilt stare at this scene.

It felt like a terrifying movie, it felt like watching tragedy unveil.

The faces were unrecognizable, but the images continue to flash without any repercussions.

Painful heart clenching screams, a name being desperately cried over repeatedly.

A sinful screech of laughter grows louder, a monster in human form. Filled with thrill and power, it sends chills.

"Y/N. We are here." A muzzled voice urges her awake. She groaned, stretching her body as she opens her eyes.

The car had stopped, and bright white lights burned her eyes. It was cold and silent, they were at the gas station. She looked over to see Max toggling with the gasoline pump.

She rubbed her eyes, before stepping her toes onto the concrete of the station. The rest of the group were still sleeping, completely unaware that we had stopped.

The girl slipped on her shoes, and carried her blanket around her into the tiny store. Ash followed behind her cautiously, attentive to how his sister sluggishly grabbed the ramen after spending longer then necessary to find it.

"Can I get an energy drink?" The girl pleaded to her brother, earning a huff from the boy.

"You could've slept in, but you wanted ramen." He teased, Y/N pouted annoyed.

"You didn't even sleep, don't lecture me." The girl snapped back as they payed for the items.

"I'm older then you, I don't need as much sleep." He said, attempting to sound like a brotherly figure.

"Right Onii-Chan, you should still let your old bones rest though. Might be the only time before you die of old age." She laughed tauntingly.

(Yup she and him were definitely related)

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