Memories (Part 3)

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The early morning had passed without any sleep for Y/N, although she felt much more comfortable as she got closer to her brother.

The truck had on been driving in silence for hours, Y/N was spent most of this time daydreaming or doodling on a drawing app on her phone.

There was no wifi on this drive, and Shorter was asleep till the late afternoon so there was constant muffled snoring.

Eiji had moved to the front seat as Ash drove, she overheard most of their conversations. It made her smile how close they seemed to be. She wondered how they had met, and why they enjoyed each other's company as much as they did.

Ibe was reading a newspaper clipping, occasionally marking some text. Max napped in the corner of the truck, obviously exhausted from driving the entire night. On top with dealing with Ash's snarky comments.

Around 3pm, the car had been parked to the side of a wide empty road. With a large forest surrounding them. They all took a stretch, with many yawns shared.

"Ah we should have a picnic here!" Y/N suggested excitedly. There was silence until Eiji smiled getting a blanket from the back.

"That's a great idea, there is beautiful weather as well." The black haired boy said cheerfully. "Ash can you get the kettle, as well as some cups?" Ash nodded as Shorter groaned.

"Isn't this a bit girly to have a tea party?" Shorter placed his hands in his pockets.

"H-Hey! Tea parties aren't particularly girly! Plus, it's not like you have a better idea." Y/N pouted as Eiji chuckled.

"You're much more talkative and rowdy now, you seemed really disorentaited yesterday, Y/N." Shorter said ruffling the girl's hair.

"Eh? What did you expect, a group of older men urging you into a broke down truck wasn't the best way to make a girl feel relaxed, you know?" Y/N spit out in a defendant tone to the taller male.

"You didn't trust us?" Shorter pouted, gesturing an arrow striking through his heart.

That movement. The bullet she saw in her dream struck a man right where Shorter referenced to. The memory became clearer, she saw shaking eyes moments before the body fell. The dream stayed and lingered causing her to grow uneasy, the repeat of the gunshot rang in her ears. A young unrecognizable figure shot with such terrifying precision.

She hesitated a bit from these thoughts, it took her a second to snap back into reality. "Overdramatic." She giggled nervously swinging her legs from the ledge. "Of course I didn't trust you."

She had no reason to believe the images she saw in her dream were real. It felt like she was watching something, something captivating playing out on a screen. She remembered it boldly but she wasn't focused on herself or why she found herself there.

"Shorter... Why don't you ever take off your sunglasses. The weather isn't even warm." Y/N asked hesitantly. What she said was true, the weather was dim. The sun was still hidden by sheets of clouds and moisture. That wasn't why she asked though.

A vivid image, she had a vivid image in her head. She couldn't shake it off, what she saw wasn't just a dream. Something she remembers, a type of memory. The insanity and trauma displayed in the eyes she saw, that couldn't of been an imagination.

He gave a confused 'Huh' before laughing, he must've felt amused at how serious she sounded when she asked.

"My shades are like my skin! They make me look cool."

"No they don't. It's not sunny take them off already, stupid." Ash came from behind us nonchalantly insulting his friend.

"Alright. Alright." Shorter said with his arm resting behind his neck casually. He took his glasses off tossing them onto a platform where his jacket already seemed to be placed.

Her eyes widened as she saw his eyes before her. The same eyes. They were the same eyes. The horror struck dialated pupils she reconzied, this was the man in her dream. It was Shorter. Yet, the most distintive detail fell off. His eyes weren't filled up with that aching fury, she knew that was impossible to escape. He felt reset.

"What's wrong? Did you just fall in love with me, sweetheart?" Shorter said cockily, poking her cheek in a teasing fashion.

"W-What? Shut up! I'm just thinking." Y/N shouted flustered. She was conflicted, her thoughts only confused her more and left her with more pestering questions.

"No, your totally in love with me." Shorter continued boosting his own ego, but stopped only realizing her older brother was behind him. Leaving a dark death stare as Shorter gulped.

"Stop flirting with my sister." Ash gave a fake smile, as Shorter whined.

"Now, now. You guys shouldn't be fighting. We have a long way to go before we get to California." Eiji attempted to break up the tension.

"California?" Y/N questioned, Eiji's face became confused and Ash sighed. The girl gave a blank stare.

"We have some business there." Ash jumped in, being as cryptic as he could've been. The girl nodded, if it was personal she didn't want to intrude.

Although the curiosity had boldly been imprinted onto her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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