Chapter 4: "Now I just had to figure out how to make her mine."

Start from the beginning

After dropping off my laundry, I headed to the mess hall to grab a cup of coffee before my watch began. Felix was standing by the machine, refilling it when I approached. "Got some fresh coffee for you ma'am," he said, giving me a bright smile. He grabbed a cup and filled it for me, adding extra cream and sugar just the way I like it.

I took a sip, the sweet taste immediately helping me to wake up further, something the weak water pressure hadn't been able to do. "Thanks," I replied.

"Want some breakfast?" Felix asked. "I can make you something special."

Touched by his sweet offer, I shook y head. "Thanks for the offer, but I got to observe a navigational drill this morning," I replied. "Lucky for me, my watch begins 4 hours later than normal. 8 today instead of 12."

Felix nodded his head in understanding. "If there is something you want for lunch this afternoon, send JungMin down and I'll make it for you," he insisted.

I shook my head again. "I appreciate it, but I'll be alright," I said. I picked up my coffee cup and turned to go, not missing the concerned look in Felix's eyes. He was too much of a worrier sometimes, always concerned about whether or not I was eating enough, drinking enough water, cutting back on all the caffeine I drank.

Making my way back to my quarters, I finished my coffee, dropping the empty paper cup into a trashcan in the passageway. Once I reached my quarters, I picked up the book, unable to keep away from it. There was a strange pull to it that I couldn't explain. I gave myself a mental shake to clear my head before heading back to the plane hanger, to prepare for the navigational observation. The hangar door was open on the starboard side, letting the warm sea breeze wash through the hanger. I was close enough to the edge to feel the chilly sea spray being kicked up by the movement of the ship through the water.

I took a step back as the arresting gear loosened, releasing the jet currently being held in place. Although the arresting gear was safe enough to be around, I moved away just in case. As I took another step back, my foot landed on nothing but air and before I knew it, I was plummeting into the icy ocean before.


I had just left the university with Jimin's soulmate. I had apologized over and over again for the trouble I had caused and the horrible assumption I had made. Both Jimin and his sweet soulmate had forgiven me for the grave error and it was much more than in deserved. The guilt was still overwhelming me and I couldn't believe I had acted so rashly. I should have known by the look of sheer panic on Jimin's face at the thought of losing her that he would never betray the woman he loved so much.

As soon as we left the university, I gripped her close, disappearing from the university and reappearing at home. As we approached the house, I could feel a strange calling. It was almost as thought someone were calling my name, begging me to save someone. I disappeared from the house and appeared on the edge of a cliff, my heart and mind racing with the thoughts currently running through my head.

As I stood at the edge of the sea on the cliff, I couldn't explain the calling I felt. Something was calling me out into the cold open ocean. Looking around to see if there were any nosy humans, I dove off the edge of the cliff, my clothing disappearing thanks to the bracelet my mom had given me before she passed away all those years ago.

I could feel my tail form, replacing my legs. For the first time in years, I took a deep breath my lungs feeling with the salty sea, before gills on my neck took over, allowing me to breathe normally underwater. I felt the pull of my soulmate bond, calling me to her. I had no idea where I was headed, but I instantly knew there was something wrong. I raced through the water, moving faster than I ever had before.

The pull of my soulmate was so unbearably strong that I knew she must be close. I had no idea how far I had traveled but I knew that I was near her. All of a sudden, I saw a flash of a light blue and knew instantly my soulmate was in trouble. She was floundering under the water, struggling to prevent herself from sinking further, the heaviness of her clothes preventing her from pushing herself to the surface. I swam in front of her and noticed the look of panic in her eyes. I reached out a hand to her, setting it on her shoulder then pressed my lips to hers, forcing in a mouthful of much needed oxygen. Her eyes widened in surprise, but then her panic sank in and she gripped onto my shoulders, holding me tightly.

From above us, I could hear shouting and an alarm, knowing in an instant that they must be looking for her. I pulled back, gently releasing her, before dragging her to the surface. I pushed her above the surface of the water, being careful not to let myself be seen. As I surfaced carefully, I could see a large grey ship nearby and knew that this must be where she came from.

On the deck of the ship, there were several man, shouting and pointing. Lower down on the ship, there was an open bay, with a ledge that hung out over the water. There were three men standing there and one of them tossed something into the water. As it landed, I could see it was a large plastic life ring attached to a rope. My soulmate reached for it then turned as though she was looking for me. Her eyes filled with confusion before she shook her head as though to clear it.

The white ring was pulled towards the ship taking my soulmate with it and I dove further into the water, making sure I was not seen. I knew I was no longer needed here, but my soul was filled with light with the connection we had made. I knew I would need to see her again soon, but I didn't know how. I didn't know where she was from or where she was going, but I could guess by the flag on her ship.

As I made my way home, I couldn't get the image of her out of my mind. Even though it had been merely a method of saving her life, the feel of her lips on mine was incredible and not something I would soon forget. Now I just had to figure out how to make her mine.

Pied Piper: Book 2 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Jungkook X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now