Bad days

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So my 'friend' a week ago told me I was too depressing for her and all this shit. And then this week two of my closest friend are moving away and I was upset about it last night and crying. The other person who said I was depressing added me to a group last night and was excited about having a guy give her flowers and I said okay. Then she flipped and said I wasn't being a good friend for not being excited for her and I flipped my shit on her. And another person in the group texted me saying wth why did you act like that towards Jyllayne and I ignored her and went to sleep. So today the other person in the group was in one of my classes and I threw my stuff down and ran out of the room to the bathroom so people wouldn't see me cry and she started saying I was mad at her and I wasn't. And now she won't speak to me at all. And I feel like I'm losing everyone cause they are moving. And I've cried so many times during school today. Like at one point I was shaking and crying as I told my best friend what has happened. I dunno but one of my crushes hugged me and the other almost hugged me like that brightened things and so did tomahawk tweeting me and favoriting my tweet like it made thing a bit happier! :) So lesson of this. Ignore the bad and mean friends. They don't deserve you.
Love you Ponks!!!

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