Tyler's POV

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"Matt, go find your sister now. Dinner's ready!" Lilith, Matt's mother shouted from the Kitchen.

We're at the living room at Matt's house—video gaming. While Ella's with Lilith to help prepare the dinner.

"One sec, mom!" Matt yelled back.

My brows frowned.

"You had a sister?" I asked as a normal curious kid.

I've been going in and out of this house but I've never seen a girl who'll be obviously Matt's sister.

"Yes, I do. A rebellious sister to be exact. She's hard headed as hell, man. Bet you couldn't bear to tag with her." Matt calmly said but mixed with little keenness.

I scanned him all over, looking if he's telling the truth or just sarcastically overreacting. Based on my observation, he might not be bluffing me and just used to how her sister acts.

"Hey, man, keep going," he nag 'cause I suddenly lost to maneuver. So do I keep up with the game.

"Wait, aren't you going to look for your sister?" I asked, eyes on the flat screen.

"Just a minute. Lemme finish you first HAHA!" He boasted.

I just chuckled and increased the tremble to maneuver. Hah! I wouldn't let him dominate me though.

"I volunteer to find the ducky!" A man suddenly showed up. It was the father of the house, Charles. He came down from stairs, raising his hand to evidently say he volunteers.

"Hey, man, who's ducky?" I confusingly asked Matt.

"The sister."

Ohh. I nodded.

"Can I go with you?" I asked Charles. He seemed a little startled and amazed. Matt stopped from playing, also surprised by what I asked.

"Sure, bud, c'mon," Charles said in a cool way. He frowned a lil bit, maybe confused, but just shrugged off, anyway.

"Hey, man, what about the game?" Matt elbowed me.

"You win tho." I stood up and left Matt.

I climbed up onto the shotgun seat once Charles opened the door. I was still a young boy who's innocent at all—even by giving force just to open the car door.

"Aight, let's find Ducky." He then started the car. "Where do you think she's at now?" He asks as if I know that kid enough to guess where she is. I just didn't speak.

Along the road Charles was telling stories about how rebellious Matt's sister is. How she pranks all the people in the house, gets suspended numerous times, always out of the house without telling anybody, and a lot more.

That kid is someone who has to be in a rehab.

Also, Charles already drove to a lot of parks around the village. But I guess she can't see her daughter yet. And you know what's insane? It's like a normal thing to him. Like if I'm at his position, I would be crazy worried. Is that how kind of that girl she is?

"But don't presume she's a bad girl, son." Charles defended his daughter. "She's just a little girl willing to explore a lot of things by herself. And I think that's kinda good though. It was a... practice, experience, a start up for the cruel world. She'll be open to those kinds of things early at her age."

Make sense.

"Oh and there she is," he mumbled after.

I looked at the place where he's looking. It was the 6th playground we've gone through.

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