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What's wrong?

You know there's wrong?

There's always an exclamation when you call me Tyler so...

So you're paying attention huhhhh??

Nah I mean I saw you earlier

No hype was draw on your face

Ok fine.

I promise I will be good

That's a very random thing to say

Come on, I'm being senti here.

You always break my moment



I'm looking forward... to see you grow up.

That's why you need to promise.

You won't leave me.

What? Well I didn't know where did that came from

But you know this is just a temporary

right, Madison?

I will be leaving once your brother comes back.

But we can still hang out.

You and my bro are friends, we're in the same school, we don't live far away from each other.


What is really the exact point of this?

You need to see me change

Why do I?

Bcoz I just want you.

Just promise

Are you girls really this such a drama queen?

You asked me what's wrong

So you just let me open up the thing I was doubting to share with you coz I thought you're not this type of person.

Who's in fault?

Ok, I'm sorry.


And what?

The promise


I promise.

Promise what?

Promise not to leave you, see you grow up, hang out with you, stay communicated with you, and a lot more... just whatever

Yey! Luvyah!

Don't say that again.


I see you're ok now

What a kid

Madison GreyWhere stories live. Discover now