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A/N- Ayooo just a warning there is a little, just the teeniest tiniest bit of smut in this chapter sooo yeah-


-Alana's POV-

Friday finally came around and it was the time for the big dance! I was so happy! After school I raced home with dad and got ready. Aunt Nerumi came over and helped me do my make up since mom was working. Nerumi did some nice light make up for me and put on some help me do my hair in a half up half down look. 

I put my dress on once she was done and stole some small black heals from mom. Once I was finished I ran down stairs where Aunt Nerumi and Dad were waiting. "Ok I'm all ready!" I say as I walk in. "Oooh darling! You look absolutely amazing!"Nerumi says kissing my cheek. "Thank you Aunty!" I say. 

"You look amazing sunshine I love the dress." Dad says kissing my forehead. "Thanks daddy I like your suit too." I say and he grumbles. "I fucking hate this suit.." he mumbles making me laugh. "Alright let's go babies!" Nerumi says and we all make out way to the car. 

We drive over to the school and once were there we make our way to the gym where the dance was already happening. Uncle Zashi was on music while all the teachers where watching over the student dancing and having a good time. I look around the room and see all the kids from class dancing to the music having a good time. 

I look around till I feel someone wrap their arms around me waist. I smelt Caramel and a Nice cologne and knew it was Katsuki. "Hey Katsuki..." I whisper and he turns my around. "You look amazing..." he says pulling me into a deep kiss. "mph~ You look good too..." I say once he pulls away. "So handsome!" I say patting his cheek. 

"Yeah whatever... What are you doing right now?" He asks and looks around the gym. "Nothing I don't really know what to do here, wanna dance or something?" I ask grabbing his hand. "Yeah sure..." He walks with me to the middle of the gym and we mimic how other kids dance. 

-Time skip a hour into the party brought to you by This lazy bitch :p-

A slow song comes on after a while of dancing, Me and Katsuki look at each other and blush. I look around and see everyone starts slow dancing, not really my style but whatever. Katsuki grabs my hand pulling me in to his body and starts dancing with me. "What are you doing?" I ask and he shrugs. "I don't really know, this is just what everyone else is doing.." He says looking around. 

"Oh ok..." We dance to the music and he holds his hand on my waist. I look up at him. "Your really sweet to me Katsuki.." I say and kiss his nose like I always do making him blush. "Your good to me too or whatever..." he says looking away. I look around, I feel like this song has been going on forever. 

"I'm bored..." I say looking around, "I know right how long does this go on for?" He asks making me laugh. I get an idea that I think he'll like too. "Come with me..." I pull my body away from his and drag him out of the gym. "Where the fuck are we going?" He asks and I pull him around the corner of the gym so we were alone in the hallway. 

"I wanted kisses but we can't just make out in the middle of the gym.." I say and stand on my tip toes to reach him. He smirks and bends down to kiss me gently. I pull him down to make him kiss me deeper which makes him chuckle into the kiss. "Fine you want to do this lets go.." He picks me up and pushes me against the wall. I pull my legs apart and wrap them around his waist. He places his hands on my butt and holds me up and I put my hands around his neck. 

"I like how wild you are sometimes, someone including your dad can come out any moment now and see us..." He warns me but I don't care. "I want my kisses now so give me them." I say and he smirks. "Yes ma'am..." He smashes his lips against mine and we start making out against the wall. As we go along and the kiss deepens he starts moving his body against mine. 

He grinds his waist into my crotch and I start to feel super tingly In my stomach. He pulls away from my lips and starts attacking my neck with kisses as he continues to grind into me. It felt really good, each kiss was like a little spark I loved it, not to mention the way he was rubbing me. 

"Ah~" A little noise accidentally escapes my mouth and I throw my hand over my mouth. "I- I'm sorry..." I say and he looks up at me. "That was fucking hot..." He says and smiles at me with a fiery passion in his eyes. A lustful almost ravenous look over comes him and I felt it too. Is this what being horny feels like? I like it... 

He starts kissing my neck again and he continues to move his body against mine, I feel like I want to make more noises but bit my lip and cover my mouth to prevent them. "Please I want to hear you teddy bear~" He says into my neck and I smile. He starts sucking on one particular spot on my neck and it felt really good. 

"Ah~ S-shit..." I moan a bit and feel him smirk into my neck. "Shit Alana if you keep moaning in my ear I'm gonna get a fucking hard on..." He says but I can't help it, the way he loved me made me feel so good inside. "I-i'm sorry I can't help it but it feels good..." I say and he squeezes my butt. "You talk so dirty with out even trying to how the fuck do you do that?" He ask and kisses my neck again. 

"mm~ I-if you keep rubbing l-like that I'll feel to good..." I say and he looks up at me. "What? Like this?" He asks and rubs my crotch in just the right spot making me moan a bit. "Y-yes..." I mumble looking away embarrassed. I feel a bulge in his pants grow and he blushes a bit. "S-sorry..." he says looking away but I giggle. "It's ok if I were a guy I would have a boner too, just cause I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm not turn on right now too..." I say and kiss him again.

Once I pull away he looks up at me with  those lustful eye. "How... How do you feel about sex?" I ask and his face goes bright red. "Wh-what do you mean?" He asks and I smile. "I mean like how do you feel about having sex... with me..." I ask and he blushes even bright if it was possible. "I- I don't know... Sounds fun?" he asks making me laugh. 

"Not right now I mean you know some day... If we're both ready would you want to have sex with me?" I ask and he nods aggressively. "haha ok good because I do too..." I say cupping his cheek. "tch your so e-embarrassing dumbass..." he says. "Haha I'm sorry baby I just want you to know where I'm at and I'm letting you know that I'm ready whenever you are..." I say kissing him. 

"If I could I'd take you to the bathroom and fuck you right now but I want to do a few things with you before we do that..." He says and I smirk. "Oh yeah and what's that?" He  smirks at me puts his head in my neck. "I wanna take you on real date not just a hang out..." he says and I nod. 

"ok and?" I ask and he pauses. "I want you to meet my parents..." He says and I feel shocked, He's never mentioned his parents before. "O-ok! I'd love to whenever!" I say and he looks back up at me. "Anything else?" I ask and he thinks. "I want to say I love you before..." He says looking a way embarrassed. I hadn't even realized we never said I love you yet. 

"Oh... You know I love you right? I mean I thought it was obvious but I guess I should have said something." I say with an award laugh. "Really? I-... I love you too.." he says and I smile wide. "Good.. Now 1 down 2 to go!"  I say and he laughs. 

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you just trying to sleep with me?" He asks and places me down on the ground. "Noooo me? hahah I'm kidding but I mean I do want to do it with you, it sounds good you know? I want my first time to be special and with you!" I say making him blush. "I love you idiot..." He says and I smile. 

"Love you more.." I kiss him quick then fix up my dress and my hair. "So what do we do about that?" I ask pointing to his pants. "Nothing it'll go down in a minute it's not bad right now." He says and I giggle. "So we just sit for a minute?" I ask and he nods. "Alright well let's start walking back slowly." I say and grab his hand. We slowly walk back to the gym and by the Time we get back it's gone away. 

We laugh to ourselves as we make our way back into the gym. "And where did you two sneak off too?" Kiri and Mina stand in front of us with fake disapproving looks. "We fucked in the bathroom." I say with a very straight face. "ACTUALLY!" They yell at the same time making me and Katsuki laugh out. "No dumbass we were just fucking talking." Katsuki says and I nod. 

"Then what's with the hickey?" Kirishima points at my neck and I cover it. "Ok we may have been kissing but we didn't fuck." Katsuki says making me laugh again. "Yeah whatever. Come on let's dance bitches!" Mina says and drags me out to the dance floor. We start dancing with each other and enjoy the rest of the night...

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