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-Alana's POV-

"Ok mama I'll see you later! I'm going to the mall now." I say as I pull on my sneakers. "Oh ok sweetie! Have a good time! You have your money right?" Mom and dad come to the door and I nod. "Yup! Ok I'll see you in a little while." I go to open my door and all the girls from class were standing there. 

"Oh my god.." dad mumbles and all the girls squeal. "Ahhhh come on Alana! Lets gooo!" Mina grabs my arm pulling me out of the house. "Hello Mr. Aizawa and Mrs. Aizawa very lovely to see you." Momo says bowing for them. "Yeah hey..." dad says looking at me, I knew he wouldn't be happy I gave the girls our address but whatever. 

"Oh my god Mr. Aizawa you're super hot outside of school in your casual clothes!" Hagakure says and at this point dad slams the door in our faces making us all laugh. "Ok but she's not wrong, I like his hair tied up like that I see why your mom finds him attractive." Mina says and I gag. 

"Haha ok whatever let's hurry up and catch the train!" Ururaka says and I smirk. "Why would we do that?" I ask and they all stare at me. "I can just teleport us there! It'll be quicker plus well have more time to shop!" I say and the girl cheer. "Yes! Thank you Alana ribbit!" Tsu says and all the girls thank me. "Of course girls! Now come on everyone hold hands." I say. We get in a circle and hold hands on the sidewalk. 

I teleport us to the mall and we land in the middle of the food court. "EEEEE! Yes thats so cool!" "AH-" Someone yelps and when we look around our eye land on the table that we landed next to. Oh it's the boys! Thats right there shopping today too. "Oh hey boys!" Momo says waving at everyone. "Jesus you guys scared us! How'd you even do that?" Kaminari asks making us all laugh. 

"I just teleported us here, The more thing or people I'm teleporting and depending on how far I'm going sometime my teleporting gets a little wonky but I try haha." I say. "Oh no! this is perfect! Now come on let's go find something to wear!" Mina says and we all giggle. 

"Ok well we'll see you boys later!" I say and wave but Bakugo grabs my hand. "Hey I just texted you." He says turning me around to look at him. "OH! what is say?" I ask and he smiles. "Wanna hang out after you're done?" He asks and I nod. "Of course you can come over if you want My dad is cooking tonight." I say and he nods. "Ok I'll see you when you done.." He says and I smile. "Ok talk you then." I kiss him quickly and he lets me. 

I catch back up with the girls and we went on shopping. All the girls slowly one by one started finding dresses they liked and all that was left was me. "Oh come on Alana your the last one! Let's stop in this store!" Jiro says pointing at a dress store. "Yeah ok..." We go in and I start looking around, I don't really know theres so many- OOP. This... It's a 2 piece black dress. Very plain but absolutely perfect...

"Ohhhh I like that! You gonna buy?" Momo asks and I nod

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"Ohhhh I like that! You gonna buy?" Momo asks and I nod. "Yeah but I want to try it on first, I'll be right back!" I say and run into the changing room....

-Bakugo POV-

We had finally finished shopping and now we were all just sitting in the food court. To be specific it was me, Kiri, Kaminari, Deku (gross), Icy hot, four eyes, and Sero. They talking some shit when I got a text. I look down at my phone and see it was Mina.


P: Ayo check out your girl! *Image*

I click on the image and it was a picture of Alana in a gorgeous 2 piece dress. Holy shit she looks so fucking hot in that dress... What! This is to fucking much I mean how does she manage to get my heart beating faster just from a fucking picture! 

"Hey what's wrong Kacchan?" Deku asks breaking me from my thoughts. "Huh what the fuck do you want nerd?" I ask. "Your all red what's going on?" Four eyes asks. "tch nothing..." I look back down at the phone and smile at the picture. 


P: Ayo check out your girl! *Image*

Me: Tell her to buy that one.

P: Ay Ay captain! 

Me: Stfu idiot.

Suddenly Kiri grabs the phone from my hand and looks at the photo. "HEY SHITTY HAIR GIVE THAT BACK!" I yell. I try grabbing the phone but he holds it away from me. He hands it to Kaminari and Sero. "Oooooh it's a picture of Alana, Wow she looks great!" Sero says and Kaminari nods in agreement.

"GIVE ME MY PHONE!" I yell trying to get it but they hold it away. "Oh she does look pretty!" Deku says seeing the photo. I lunge and grab my phone. "DON'T TOUCH MY SHIT! And stop looking at my phone shitty Deku!" I yell and they all laugh at me. "What the fuck are you yelling about boom boom?" I hear Alana's voice behind me so I turn around. 

"Nothing these idiots just took my fucking phone..." I mumble and she kisses my nose, I love when she does that. "Oh ok! Well you wanna get outta here? My mom called me and said she needed me home for something before diner but she said you could come if you want." She says and I nod. 

"Yeah lets go." I say. "You guys want me to teleport you back to the dorms?" She ask all the boys and the girls. "Oh no we're good we're gonna stay for a while longer." Kiri says and she nods. "Ok well have fun! Come on Bakugo. See you guys tomorrow!" She waves then grabs my wrist and we start walking away. "Aren't you gonna teleport?" I ask. "I wanna do it outside it makes it easier." She explains. 

She lets go of my wrist and we walk in a comfortable silence to the top floor of the mall so we can leave. As we walked a group of 5 boys walked up to us and stopped us from walking. "Hey baby~" The tallest guy in the middle says looking directly at Alana. "Um hey?" She looks him up and down. "What you up too?" He ask smirking, Oh hell no. 

"I'm going home please move." She tries to move me around the guys but they all step in front of us. "Nahhh come on stay lets hang out... Whats your name?" He asks. "Her name's non of your fucking business. She's my girlfriend." I say grabbing her and pulling her close to my Body close to mine. "Dead ass?" The boy asks and she nods. "Yeah so you can leave now." She says. 

"Man I don't know but if she were MY girl, I would let her walk around dressed like that.." The guy looks her up and down and bites his lip. "Dressed like fucking what?" I ask and he looks at his friends laughing. "I mean look at her, Her whole body is exposed she's dressed like a slut man people will think she's single dressed like that." He says to me and I look at her only to see she was SUPER MAD.

"I'm wearing a fucking crop top and bell bottom jeans." She states. "Yeah but like it's so exposing you look hot!" Another guy in the back says and all the guys agree. "I'm a fucking girl not an object for you fuckers to look at." She scoffs and they roll their eyes. "Girl that dress like you are basically BEGGING for guys attention why else would you dress like such a whore? I mean dude if I were her boyfriend I'd never let anyone look at her like that." The main guys say again and I get mad. 

"Oh yeah? Well guess what she's not YOUR girl she's mine. And you right she is fucking hot but she's not a fucking slut or a whore. Not back off dip shit." I say and all the boy irrupt with laughter. "What are you gonna do? I'm just saying she's a little slu-" I punched the dude square in the jaw before her could finish his sentence. He falls to the ground and his nose starts bleeding. 

"I fucking told you she's not a slut! And I'm fucking happy she dresses the way she does because she looks fucking hot! Maybe thats why you don't have a girlfriend because you a dumbass. Come on teddy bear lets go." I grab Alana's hand and she laughs at how the guys were all freaking out. 

We quickly run out of the mall before security gets us and we out onto the street laughing our asses off. "Aww man that was so good! You really got him!" She laughs and I chuckle. "Don't fuck with my teddy bear! Idiot..." I say and she giggles. "Did you mean what you said back there? You like the way I dress?" She ask and I roll my eyes. "Of course I do. Your fucking perfect in every way and I don't want you to change a fucking thing." I say and see her blush bright red. 

"T-thanks Bakugo.." She says smiling. "Why do you still call me Bakugo. You know my name is Katsuki to you." I say and she jumps up to kiss my nose. "Ok Katsuki..." She says and I pull her up to kiss her. She giggles into the kiss and I put her down. "Alright lets go home..." She grabs my wrist and we teleport out of there back to her house..

Aizawa's Daughter (Bakugo x OC)Where stories live. Discover now