Lev still doesn't know what that means.

"The enthusiasm is really making my day." The ginger said with honey sweet sarcasm in his tone.

Lev quirked a smile, eventually chuckling a little in response. The red hair man shot Lev a quick smile before allowing his eyes to roam the small room encompassing four desks with a single chair sat beside each desk and a black desk phone sitting atop the large metal desks sitting on the ground. There were two holding cells in the back, but they were collecting dust.

Despite their being four desks, only two were taken by Lev and his ginger partner — or it was the other way around as claimed by the red head who had been working in Watson Lake for approximately three years now and wanted to refer to Lev as the partner or 'sidekick.' The lack of officers present was due to there being a lack of a need for officers in the area due to there being no trace of crime present, therefore, leaving no need to employ multiple officers.

It was a good thing that crime hardly ever occurred, it truly was, but Lev couldn't help but crave the delicious bite of crime. He needed a fix, and he needed it badly.

Or at least, something entertaining.

He could only live off of the memes — the 28-year-old man tragically mispronounced them as 'me-me' — that his gen-z little sister, who was a little more than ten years younger than him, would send him during work for so long.

Though, the memes were somewhat better to Lev than the Tiktoks she'd send and heaven forbid the times when she would ask him to give his insight on one of the dances she'd beg him to watch her do on their occasional FaceTime calls. The latest dance she was obsessed with is the one with the lyrics that go, 'I'll dance, dance, dance, with my arms?' Lev shakes his head.

He couldn't remember but he definitely remembered the lyrics going something like that, not that it mattered but his mind would roam constantly like this because there was simply nothing better to do. The ginger proposing a game of I-Spy didn't seem like much fun but he'd probably play it with the 26 year old man anyway because, as said before, there is nothing better to do.

"I spy something fluorescent and white." The red head plays with his pen, clicking it continuously which successfully helps in drowning out Lev's thoughts.

"Andy." Lev begins, looking at how the man indifferently spins in his chair while obnoxiously clicking his pen. "Isn't this supposed to be hard? We both know you're talking about the fluorescent lights."

Andy gaps at the older man. "Shit, you're good."

Lev shakes his head, a chuckle bubbling up that he allows to fall past his voluminous pink lips.

"You're a dumbass." Lev reclines in his chair, the smile on his face faint but there.

"Must be the red dye seeping into my head, it's probably affecting my brain." Andy theorized, Lev narrowed his eyes.

"You're a natural ginger though." Lev pointed out. "So what the hell are you talking about?"

The ginger shrugs. "I don't know, man. This boredom is driving me insane. Maybe I should've listened to my aunt."

This is something Lev was slowly getting used to, Andy's weird antics. The man was normal at first but slowly as time went on — mind you it's only week two since Lev has been working in Watson Lake — the red head has began to reveal his true, crazy self under the guise that it's because of the 'boredom' he's always undergoing while they share most of their shifts but Lev feels like that man just has a few loose screws.

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