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Blaise Zabini was truly, utter shocked. Just a few moment ago, he had seen his best friend, Draco Malfoy kissing Hermione Granger as he passed the Great Hall. Apparently, he wasn't the only one in shock, as most of the people who had seen them were standing with their mouth agape, including Grangers 2 best friends, Ron and Harry.

"Mr. Zabini, we need your help outside now." Professor McGonnagal told him as she walked outside and he nodded, following her.

As he worked, he simply pondered on the fact that Draco was so obviously in love, and how stupid he was to not realize it sooner. Thinking it over now, his dark moods over the past year were all due to heartbreak.

Just then, Draco walked out, hand in hand with Granger, whose arm was linked with the hot she-weasel. He abandoned his current task of moving rubble and vanishing it to go and talk to his friend. Coming up behind them, he said,

"So, Draco, when were you going to tell me?" He spun around, started but rolled his eyes when he saw it was his friend.

"Sorry?" He offered, and Blaise scoffed as he fell in line with them. Although the girls were clearly listening to their conversation, they were also talking themselves, giving Draco the chance to explain himself to his curious best friend. "It's complicated."

Blaise raised his eyebrow. "Oh yeah? How about you start by telling me how this" he waved to the space between him and Hermione "came to be?"

"It started in second year." Blaise's eyes grew wide at that, but he didn't interrupt "we became friends over a book and things sort of....progressed from there. We started dating in 5th year."

"Well, then, hello Granger." He waved to Hermione who smiled back,

"Hello Zabini." Draco smiled at the fact that his friend and girlfriend were getting along so well.

"I guess if she makes you happy, then it's fine." Blaise finally said, and Draco smiled at that.

"She does. I love her." He said in a low voice that only Blaise could hear.

"Good." He smiled wickedly, adding, "Plus, Granger is one sexy witch." The girls burst into laughter as Blaise wiggles his eyebrows comically. Draco shot him a glare and smacked him on the arm,


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