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Just minutes ago, he had defeated Voldemort once and for all, and now they were on their way back to the Great Hall, to help out. They might have won the war, but they had their own share of losses.

"It's not your fault." Hermione muttered to him, squeezing his hand and he nodded numbly. As they walked into the Great Hall, he saw Hermione freeze.

"Hermione?" He asked, worried, before he saw that she was looking at something, or, rather, someone.

"Malfoy." Ron muttered darkly. "What is he doing here?" As he was about to speak, he noticed Hermione take off running.

"Hermione!" He called, but she didn't hear. In a split second, she launched herself at Malfoy, and kissed him with passion. Oh. That's why.

"She...." Ron stuttered, and Harry immediately remembered Ron's crush on their brunette best friend, though Harry thought that some of his hurt was self inflicted, for Harry had long suspected that something was going on with their best friend.

It all started in second year, when Hermione was petrified. The note that they found about the Basilisk was fine and all, but there was something peculiar about it. The handwriting was larger, and more elegant than Hermione's, though Ron didn't seem to notice it. Later on, Harry saw a box of Toblerone, Hermiones favorite Muggle chocolate on the side table with her get-well-soon gifts. Upon closer investigation, he found that the note had the same handwriting as the note about the Basilisk. But since it was almost summer, Harry forgot all about it.

The second time that Harry thought something was off was during their third year, when Hermione was telling them about how Draco's father was angry about Buckbeak. It was strange enough that she had called Malfoy by his first name, but even stranger that she knew that piece of information, since the Slytherins were very private. Of course, she said that she had overheard some girls talking about it, but Harry thought that it was highly unlikely. He had meant to question her about it, but with Quidditch, the dementors and Sirius, it completely slipped his mind.

Fourth year was basically the same as their third year, with Harry being too preoccupied with the Tournament to even remember to think about Hermiones strangeness. It was something he came to regret in fifth year.

About halfway though the year, he head Ginny remark about how Hermione had been strangely happy for some reason. That night he followed her with his Map and Cloak all the way to abandoned classroom. Standing outside, he could hear a few words such as Father, Risky, Dark Lord, Don't Care, Dumbledore, Harry, Alive, Love, Why, and Stay. It slowly became clear that the two were arguing about whether or not they should stay together. Harry had a sneaking suspicion about who the male voice was. Peeking around the door, he wished he hadn't as he saw Hermione with her shirt undone, pressed against the wall and being kissed by the unmistakable blond Draco Malfoy. He didn't confront her on that, thinking that she would tell him when she felt like it, though he did notice her odd behavior and disappearances.

Then, in sixth year, Harry almost forgot about Hermiones secret romance when she started protesting about Draco's involvement as a Death Eater. Her eyes, however, told a different story, and Harry was sure she was hiding something. So, once again, on the second day back, he followed her to an unused classroom, catching the tail end of their conversation. I don't care. She said, and Harry peered around the door to have his suspicions confirmed. Draco Malfoy was standing there with his sleeve rolled up and his Dark Mark on show for Hermione to see.

That was the first time he felt disappointed in his best friend. Things were only starting to get better between them when Harry sectumsemprad Draco, and once again, Hermione started to mysteriously disappear. He hadn't known them what to say to her, but he never got a chance to as he was too preoccupied with Quidditch and lessons with Dumbledore.

When they went on the run, it seemed as though Hermione and Draco had broken up. She had been so sad those first few months, and Harry wanted to comfort her, but didn't know the words. Then the whole manor thing happened, where Draco gave him his wand, and their whole mission kicked into high gear. And now they were standing there, watching Hermione kiss Draco with such passion, and Harry could swear that they had whispered ai love you. Sighing, he turned to his schooled best friend. Leading him out of the hall, he said,

"Let me tell you a little story Ron....."

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