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Ginny was quite observant. She was also Hermiones best female friend, which meant that the older witch told her all sorts of things that she couldn't tell her male best friends. They had often spent hours and hours in Ginny's room over the summer, just gossiping. That was why she was not the least bit surprised to see Hermione launch herself into Draco. The same couldn't be said for her family.

"Is that....Hermione?" Molly breathed, turning away from the rest of their grieving family. "What is she doing with that Death Eater! I though she-"

"Mum!" Ginny interrupted, stopping her mother before she said or did anything she would come to regret. "He's not evil. He's actually quite....nice." It was true. Hermione had introduced the pair during their fifth year. Draco was actually also the reason that the DA was never caught till the end - though no one would ever know that.

"You knew too!?" George asked incredulously. Ginny started to nod before she realized what he said.

"You knew!?" He shrugged.

"Yeah. Hermione left her letter out the summer before last and we might've read it. Fred thought that-" he stopped suddenly, and the mood became somber again as they remembered what they had lost. "I'm umm...." George got up and headed back to where the body of his brother lay. It was undeniable that he was the one hit the hardest by the death of his twin.

"You're right, I saw him helping us in the fight." Molly finally said, looking at the couple that was now talking. "As long as she's happy." She smiled, before she too got up and left. Ginny wanted to join them, but felt that she could not see her brothers lifeless face again. Instead she headed over to Hermione, hearing snippets of their talk as she neared.

"I don't know, my love, we'll make it work," Draco said, just as Ginny reached them.

"Hey guys." She said, and the pair, turned around, Hermione instantly flinging herself at the younger witch.

"Hey Red." Draco drawled, shooting her a s smile.

"Hey ferret." She shot back, and he scowled teasingly at her. Finally Hermione let go, and asked,

"How are you holding up?" She sighed,

"Not much better than anyone else here. I just....." she trailed off, unable to find the words to continue, and yet Hermione somehow understood her.

"The sadness is suffocating." She nodded numbly.

"How about we head outside? I'm sure there's something for us to do?" Draco suggested, and the redheaded witch immediately latched onto the idea. Linking her arms with Hermiones, she walked outside with the couple, allowing herself to just watch in peace for the first time in a long time. As long as you're happy.

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