Alpha Twins

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Stiles got a call from Melissa to come to the hospital, and it turns out Heather was dead, throat slashed, head bashed in, and strangled.  Just like another kid that was brought in, but he was found by Lydia for some unknown reason.

Stiles knew one thing they all had in common, they were all virgins.  And sacrifices.

So he was worried that he might be next because of his lack of sexual experience.

Allison and Stiles spent everyday together since they had kissed, and they hadn't found out anything about the alpha pack.

Right now Stiles and the others were training for cross country.

Isaac stooped down to tie his shoe, then the new twins passed by him, and time seemed to slow down for Isaac and Stiles who was only three feet away.  Stiles inhaled their scent as they passed by, they had the scent of power, the power of an alpha.

Isaac looked at Stiles and Scott,"It's them," then the whistle blew and the beta took off running after the alpha twins.

"Isaac, wait," Stiles yelled as he started to run after him,"Shit."

Stiles looked around and started to pick up the pace going faster and faster till he was past all of the other runners.

He heard the twins roar, and Stiles jumped over the hill to see the twins beating Isaac brutally.

They pushed Isaac away and he was about to get back up and fight, but Stiles was there putting an arm in front of him blocking his path.  Stiles looked to the twins and flashed his reptilian eyes in warning, and they just backed off, not wanting to fight with the monster.

"You can't just attack them like that, Isaac," Stiles told him.

"They killed Erica!" Isaac shouted trying to go after them, but Stiles held him back.

"And they will get what's coming to them," Stiles promised.

There was suddenly a scream and both boys took off running in the direction of the scream, and when they finally came into view they saw a dead body tied to a tree by it's neck, it's head bashed in, and throat slashed.

Stiles examined the body and saw the same things that happened to Heather, the purity ring guy, and the other girl Emily.

"It's him isn't it?" Stiles asked, Scott.

Scott nodded, earlier today he had told Stiles about the guy that disappeared from the animal clinic leaving his dog, Bullet.  And by the looks of it the dog's leash was what strangled the poor guy.

Just then Stiles' dad came running up,"Hey, get out of the way. Get back. Get this area cordoned off before they trample every piece of evidence."

Deputy Tara started pushing everyone back.

Stiles looked to the twins and they looked confused and worried, and when they walked off Stiles followed them into the school.

"Why are you here?" Stiles asked making himself known.

The twins looked at him with a mixture of shock and confusion.

"If your wondering how I snuck up on you," Stiles said while flicking out his claws,"Kanima venom can camouflages scents.  Now answer the damn question."

"We're here for the alpha," Aiden answered.

"You mean Derek?"

"And you and someone else," Aiden replied and he smirked.

"Why?  I'm not a werewolf," Stiles asked.

They only smirked like they knew something he didn't,"Not yet, Stiles."

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