Chapter Six

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   When you woke up, Peter was right next to you, holding your hand tightly. He looked distraught and at first, you didn't know why. As soon as he realized you were awake, he kissed you and told you everything. You broke down with him as he told you about what Yondu did to save him. What made you cry even more was what he told Peter. Apparently, Yondu was proud of both of you. He saw you both as his children and he cared about the two of you greatly. Most of all, he felt complete with you as his daughter. 

     Right now, you're setting Yondu up for his funeral. Everyone is placing flowers and other little things around him. Kraglin hands you something which grabs your attention. 

    "Here," he says as you stick your hand out, "he wanted you to have this." 

   The opal owl from all those years ago sits in your palm as perfect as the day you got it. A small grin grows on your lips at the sight. Yondu knew exactly what he was doing that day when he sent you and Peter to buy this. He was giving you alone time to maybe spill your guts. You clutch it tightly before shoving it in your pocket. 

    "Thanks. Kraglin." 

   "No problem." 

     After everything is set up, you stand next to Peter. He wraps an arm around you, rubbing circles on your arm. 

"I told (Y/N) how when I was a kid I used to pretend David Hasselhoff was my dad,"he pauses as Drax and Rocket look at each other before turning back to Yondu, "He's a singer and actor from Earth, really famous guy. Earlier, it struck me...Yondu didn't have a talking car, but he did have a flying arrow. He didn't have a beautiful voice of an angel but he did have the whistle of one. Both Yondu and David Hasselhoff went on kick-ass adventures...and hooked up with hot women. And fought robots." 

   A fear tears slip past your eyes as you listen to Peter talk. You always knew Yondu was important to you, that he saved you. He was never actually a bad guy. He was just...him...your dad. Although you know your birth father, you knew Yondu as a father first. He taught you so much more than Odin ever could. 

   "I guess David Hasselhoff did kinda end up being my dad after all. Only it was you, Yondu." He pauses for a moment, looking down at you, "We had a pretty cool dad." 

  You're going to ignore the fact that that statement sounds sort of strange since you're dating. "Yeah, we did." 

  "What I'm trying to say here is..sometimes that thing you're searching for your whole's right there by your side all along. You don't even know it."

     You rest a hand on Yondu's headpiece, the tears flowing again as Gamora rushes out of the room, "After we fought Ronan, Yondu said, 'I may be as pretty as an angel but I sure as hell ain't one,' but he was halfway wrong," you pause, swallowing hard, "He sure as hell isn't as pretty as one, but he was always my guardian angel. He saved me from those bastards on Earth and allowed me to meet Peter. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here. I owe him so damn much." 

    Peter holds you closer as Groot speaks, "I am Groot." 

   "He did call you twig," Rocket speaks soflty. 


     You decide that it's time to let Yondu go. His body goes through the multicolored flames, turning him to ash. Peter lets go of you and turns around to most likely sit in silence, but Kraglin catches his attention.


   Peter stops and turns around as Kraglin continues, "Captain found this for you in a junker shop, said you'd come back to the fold someday." He hands Peter something small. 

   You make your way to the cockpit and take a seat in the pilot chair, watching as Yondu's ashes sparkle like the stars outside. Of course you're going to miss him, but a part of you feels...happy. Is it wrong to feel happy on a day like this? You're not happy that he's gone, but happy that he's free. 

  "Aren't you going to find Peter?" Aragon questions.

   You shake your head as the dragon flies on your lap, "No, he needs time. I don't think he really wants to be around anyone right now. I don't want to smother him." 

" I see," he looks up at you, "how are you feeling?"

     You shrug, "I'm not okay, but that's okay." 

A bunch of ships fly into view circling Yondu's ashes. Rocket must have called them here. 

"They came," Rocket speaks softly.

You stand up, making your way to the large wind shield of the ship as Aragon flies on your shoulder. 

   "What is it?" Drax asks.

     "I sent word to Yondu's old Ravager buddies and told them what he did." Rocket explains, his voice getting closer. 

     "It's a Ravager funeral." Peter says from behind. 

   You turn your head, his eyes meeting yours as he makes his way to you. He wraps an arm around you as you rest your head on his shoulder. He lays his head on yours as you watch the beautiful fireworks exploding. Yondu would be so joy stricken right now. 

  "He didn't chase them away, " you hear Rocket state from your left.

 "No," Peter says.

"Even though he yelled at'em. And was always mean," Rocket pauses, looking down at he ground, "And he stole batteries he didn't need." 

  You open your mouth to speak, but Peter beats you to it. They need to have their moment. Rocket and Peter were the ones having trouble, so you just take a step back and let them talk.

"Well, of course not." 

  Peter lightly squeezes you as you look up at him, "I love you so much."

  You smile, "I love you, too." 

  "It's beautiful." Mantis gawks at the light show.

"It is," Drax agrees, "and so are you...on the inside." 

   You rest your head on Peter again and continue watching the gorgeous light show ahead. You peer down at Rocket again, noticing his watery eyes. You let go of Peter and kneel down next to Rocket as he looks up at you. 

     "You don't have to push anyone away anymore, Rocket," you tell him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "You can't get rid of us." 

  He chuckles, "I don't think I want to."

  You smile as Aragon flies to Rocket, landing on his shoulder while you stand up next to Peter again. He kisses the top of your head and gives your shoulder a little squeeze. Here you are again, standing in a semicircle like a bunch of jackasses. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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