Chapter Thirteen

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The next day you paced the floor of your living room, running your hands over your forehead and through your hair over and over as you rehearsed what you'd tell Kylo. You had texted him first thing that morning telling him you had something important you wanted to talk to him about, and he told you he'd be free around 2:30 that same day to talk. He assured you he'd come over to your apartment to give the two of you some privacy, which you were grateful for. Now that it was going on 2:45 you knew he was going to show up any minute now. So you paced. And you thought out loud. And you hoped and prayed that this wouldn't endanger your job in any way, shape, or form. The knock came pounding from down the hall and startled you, and you could really only stand there frozen in fear for a moment. This was it. This was when Hannah would fall. You seemed to move in slow motion as you made your way to the door, unlocked it, and opened it. You tried to greet him with a smile, but ultimately failed when your eyes met not Kylo's golden eyes, but Hannah's cold, conniving ones.

"Oh, sweetheart. Was I not the person you were expecting?" She moaned as if she was speaking to a startled child. Without saying anything else she pushed past you, into your home, into your safe haven, and stood in the middle of your living room. She looked around, her hands planted confidently on her hips and her bouncy black curls swishing around as spun from left to right until she turned around to face you completely. "Love what you've done with the place, although there's not much that my money hasn't bought you." She sneered. She became a viper, closing in on her prey as she inched closer and closer to you. Although she was smiling, you could see the hatred she held for you plain as day on her face. She scared you, and your flight or fight response was urging you to run.

"I think you mean Kylo's money," You corrected her. You tried to be as confident as you could, to show her that you weren't one to be messed with, but you could feel your foundation cracking when you noticed it had no effect on her. She still smiled at you as she got closer and closer, so close in fact that she had backed you right into the corner of your kitchen and you had nowhere to do. "What do you want, Hannah?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest and scowling at her. Yes Kylo paid for this apartment and yes most of the stuff in here was his, but you had signed an agreement that this was your space, and you felt like Hannah had no right to come in here and intimidate you.

"Well, I'm married to Kylo, so it stands to reason that his money is my money too, little girl," She taunted you, still practically pressing her body against yours. "But that's not why I'm here. Ben texted me and said he was going to be home late because you needed to have a conversation with him. I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to be telling him about our little agreement, were you?" She cocked her head to the side as she waited patiently for an answer. Internally you were screaming. You really thought this was the end, thought that Hannah was upset that you didn't die from eating the food she had poisoned and was here to finish the job. You crossed your arms behind your back to hide your jittering fingers. You hated lying, but you had to. Your life was on the line.

"That's none of your fucking business," You bellowed, causing Hannah to take a surprised step back. "But if you must know, I wasn't going to tell him about your awful secret. My family takes a trip to Canada every year next month and I wanted to know the process of taking time off." You had never been to Canada in your life, nor did your family often take vacations. It was the best excuse you could come up with and, to your surprise, it seemed like Hannah had bought it.

"I see," She hummed. She took another step away from you and pulled a small notepad and pen from her rear jeans pocket. "Well it's good to know I can still trust you. But that sounds like something you could text him about instead." She once again plastered an evil grin on her face, leaving you feeling severely uncomfortable yet again.

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