Is she back?

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Serkan cought Eda in his arms and as soon as everybody relised what was going on they started panicking.

Mert and Sarp knew what was going on. Ever since they met Eda has been going tough these sleeping because of stress episodes. They knew she had them before, but after her few last doctors appointments, they confirmed that she had been dealing with much more episodes then before, so the doctor gave her some pills that she needed to take whenever she felt dizzy or like fainting.

As everybody gathered around Eda, Sarp and Mert slowly pushed everybody aside, Mert taking Eda into his hands and laying her on the table. He put some watter in his palms and slowly woke her up. She got up and started breathing normal again. The whole ArtLife team was looking at her with pale and full of worry faces. Sarp took Edas purse and found the pills. He handed them to her with a glass of water.

"Eda stop doing this to yourself, ok? I know it is nit easy but please try and stress a little less.", Sarp said while Eda was downing that pill with some water.

"Dadam let me help you get of the table.", Mert said making Melos eyes wide with suprise.

Nobody called Eda Dada, nobody but her. It was their little thing.

After a few minutes had passed Eda remembered what caused her to faint.
She didnt dare and look into the ArtLife teams direction.

A few minutes had passed only filled with silence before Eda finally got her courage back and looked at Sarp and Mert in the eyes.

"Is this the owner of the company you wanted to meet today?", Eda asked still shocked.

"Yes Edacim. We actually hav enit even met, we introduced ourselfs and then we saw you coming and introduced you, so we have not officialy met.", Sarp answered.

Eda let out a small laugh and then started.

"Well how about I intradouce you to the owner then, since we know each other for a long period of time now.", she said moving twoards Serkan but still not having the courage to look him in the eyes. If she did she would see heartbreak, nothing else.

"Ah you know him. That is even more amazing. I am sure we will get along just fine.", Mert added.

"The owner that you were so excited to meet is non other then Serkan Bolat.", Eda said looking back at Sarp and Mert.

Their faces went from happy to angry in a matter of 2 seconds.

"This is Serkan Bolat? The one that you told us about? The one that hurt you? The one that caused you so much pain? The one that made you so depressed when you first came to Italy? The one that is the reason you are taking these stupid pills now? He is the one?", Sarp said while getting closer up in Serkans face ready to punch him but he felt Edas hand on him so he stoped.

"Sarp stop it. I dont need you to protect me.", Eda stood between the two man.

"Do you mean to tell me that this is the man that caused you to stop beliving in love? The one who made you stressed even thousands of miles away?
Answer me EDA.", Mert said and when Eda heard her name she knew Mert was angry and was about to kill everybody and then finish of with Serkan.

"You two stop acting like two teenage boys ready to start a fight. You need to grow up. Tamam I expected this from Mert, but you Sarp cmon?
I am a grown ass woman that knows how to take care of herself. If I ever need help I onow you two are the first ones to run so dont worry, but this is my battle, tamam?", Eda was now facing them and her back turned to Serkan.

"Tamam do you want us to leave you all to talk? You for sure have some catching up to do...", Mert said ironicly but Eda to his suprise replyed with: "Yes that is a very good idea. I will finish this meeting, you two go home and I will meet you there when I finish. I want no complains. No buts no nothing. You understand me?", Eda was talking to them like they were in three year olds.

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