Chapter 2 ✅

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Harry looked around, they had twenty-three minutes before they had to collect any souls. "Why don't I show you the school before we collect the souls, it really hasn't changed from the outside but we know that it will look a lot different after this is all over." Grelle smiled widely and the Undertaker nodded his head, Harry turned to face the blond that had yet to said anything, "I'm down, let's go."

The four jumped off the roof of the astronomy tower and onto the floor belief it, "Anything particular you want to see first?" The youngest raven haired Reaper asked first. "Well you did talk about your friends, shall we go and see them first?" Ronald said while smiling, he honestly just wanted to see the red head that had the same name as him. "Sure, but that would mean going to the 'Great hall' were all the students and teachers are, do we really want to expose ourselves this early?" Grelle laughed, "We can view from the rafters, they don't need to see us."

Harry thought back to the last time they done something by balancing from the rafters, Ronald fell off and they had to reap the soul earlier than they were supposed to. That held a lot of extra paperwork, something that Spears wasn't all too impressed with. "Fine, let's go." Harry rolled his eyes and all four of them ran down the hallway, not bothering to take the moving staircases, choosing to use their ability to defy gravity by jumping down all seven floors to land outside the great hall doors.

"How do you want to get in then?" The three older reapers turned to face the younger. "Why, the door in front of us, of course." The grey haired one answered mischievously. Grelle merely shrugged her shoulders and opened the door slightly slipping into the crowded and what seemed to be loud room, the other Grim Reapers slipped in behind the red haired woman that possessed the chainsaw of destruction and jumped to the rafters, defying gravity yet again.

The four reapers watched as students ran up and down the hall that was used to eat meals in, it was total chaos which made the retired Reaper laugh loudly; which was luckily covered up by the panic of the children and adults alike. Although the laugh did manage to catch the eye of the esteemed headmaster of the school, Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. His voice boomed over the large hall, silencing and stilling the entire crowd, "My my, who are our new guests?" The man had his hand above his eyes and was squinting to see the unknown people.

Harry, Grelle and Ronald turned to the Undertaker and glared while the elder chuckled and giggled, "Well it looks as if we've been seen, why not introduce ourselves?"

Harry just glared at the Undertaker while talking to Grelle with his teeth gritted, "How much time is left, Grelle?"

"15 minutes, Harry." Grelle uttered while still glaring daggers at the Undertaker. Harry sighed, "We might as well introduce ourselves, I don't want to be on the receiving end of Spears anger when we get back."

The Undertaker leaped from the rafter beams first landing on his feet, Ronald and Harry let go of the rafter at the same time with Grelle coming a couple seconds after. "I can't believe that you were regarded as 'the best shinigami there ever was.'" Harry grumbled to the Undertaker who giggled yet again, although the headmaster interrupted Harry. "Harry! Is that you?"

The crowds gasped and crowded around to see their 'missing' saviour, no one in the wizard in world had seen him since the end of his first year. Grelle; sensing the crowds approach started her deadly chainsaw. "This is why William shouldn't hire deserters for extra help. Maybe he'll learn for next time, he'll have fun doing overtime." Ronald shot menacingly towards the retired Grim Reaper. "Don't forget Ronald, I have to work overtime in the Management Division, I swear, after this William will demote us to working the lowly jobs!" Harry hissed back.

Dumbledore interrupted the anger and fight that seemed to be brewing with a clearing of his throat, "Harry, could you have this woman lower her chainsaw?" The youngest Reaper turned to the red hair wielding the chainsaw pointing it at the crowd who had taken steps back in fear, "Grelle, lower your chainsaw, if your 'darling' Will finds out you have killed anyone not on the list with it again, like in the nineteenth century with Madame Red; he'll remove it again. We wouldn't want that now, would we?" Harry chastised his long haired friend, who quickly lowered her chainsaw.

"We have 12 minutes now, Harry." Ronald said looking down at his pocket watch. "Fine. Introduce yourselves so we can leave, I will have to deal with Will when we get back whatever way we go about it. Undertaker, I swear I'll have your ass hunted when we get back." The elder Reaper fell to the floor and laughed hysterically, earning disgusted and appalled looks from the crowd. The grey haired man sat up, "Aren't you still understaffed, still borrowing from Germany?" Harry scowled at the scarred Grim reaper. The other Shinigami looked at the headmaster, the blond going first, "Ronald Knox, Shinigami of the Retrieval Division." Ronald took a step back.

The red head went next, "Grelle Sutcliff, the most loved and desired Shinigami in the entire British branch." She bowed and smiled 'sweetly' at the crowd; adults pushed their children behind them, protecting them from the Reaper with the sharp teeth. Harry rolled his eyes at the introduction as Undertaker went to introduce himself. "Undertaker, pleasure to meet you all, I can't wait to size you all up for coffins." The Undertaker smiled gleefully at the crowd who pushed their children further behind them.

Harry wanted to laugh at how protective they were over them, their mortal bodies would never be able to protect them. Harry smirked as he went o introduce himself. "Don't mind Undertaker over there-" Harry shot him a look that said 'shut up your scaring them' and the Undertaker just grinned back causing Harry to roll his eyes playfully. "-Harry Potter, youngest shinigami of the Retrieval and Management divisions."

Whispers broke out, people wondering what shinigami's were, where Harry Potter had been for so long and if he had come to save them from the evil clutches of 'Lord Voldemort'. Dumbledore called the crowds attention again by raising a hand, "So your Grim Reapers then." Whispers and gasped broke out among the cluster of people, yet again. "I see your familiar with Japanese then, headmaster." Harry said coolly. "You could say that, my boy." The headmaster beamed.

"How long?" Grelle asked blandly, picking at the non-existant dirt under her nails. "9 minutes." Ronald replied just as blandly, clearly bored.

"How did you die, Harry?" Dumbledore asked calmly. (I'm sorry I just had to put it in.) The Reapers hissed and scowled in outrage at the blatant question. Not even they knew how each other had died unless they trusted you enough, the only person that knew how you died was yourself and the Reaper that Reaped your soul. For Harry it was Grelle that had Reaped his soul and had met him. Shinigami Cinematic Records were held in a heavily restricted part of the library, where only the person from administration could access them under special circumstances and not without your or the higher's permission.

Dumbledore stepped towards the Grim Reaper in question, attempting to put a hand on his shoulder only for it to be smacked away by Ronald. Harry grinned sharply, causing many to retake a look at their 'saviour'. "The same way we all died." The youngest answered cryptically which the reapers laughed at.

Many gasps and outbursts were heard throughout the crowds, people wondered why Harry wouldn't tell them how he died and what was so secretive about it. Harry moved on, "Since no one here must know a single fact about us, I guess we need to inform you-" Harry took a look at the rest of the reapers and they nodded their heads. "-we were made into Reapers as punishment for the dreadful sin we made against God. We are to Reap souls of the dying and dead until we are forgiven. Undertaker retired from Reaping and was meant to leave his Death Scythe at headquarters, but didn't." Harry took a pause to look at crowd that seemed to be in a trance. "As I'm sure you can guess, I'm dead, and we-" he gestured to the Reapers "-cannot interfere with petty mortal matters."

Grelle smiled crookedly, as Harry turned to face her, "six minutes, let us go." Harry nodded his head to the rest of the reapers as the once again defied gravity, jumping over large crowd and back onto the rafters where we sat before. They had much to do before reaping, including making sure there are no demons around here to eat the souls they work so hard to get, without making a mistake or losing a soul.


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