|Chapter One| Monsters

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"I know, I know. I'm sorry, Perry!" Asher apologized to his girlfriend over the phone as he slipped some socks over his feet. You may be wondering why he was apologizing and panicking while putting on his clothes, and the answer to that is that it was he and his girlfriend's one month anniversary and he somehow forgot about it and was running a little late.

"What were you even doing? Did you forget about it or something? Anyways, I'm still waiting at the movie theater. I can't wait much longer, Asher. The movie's starting in, like, ten minutes." Asher could hear the disappointment in her voice and he was quite certain that there was a frown placed on her lips.

"I'm aware, Perry. I'll be there before the movie begins, don't worry too much about it, yeah?" he tried reassuring. God, he knew he was such an asshole. She deserved someone better than him, he's still surprised she even put up with him for a whole month. Perry could definitely win a 'best girlfriend in the world' badge for that.

"All right. See you there, Ashe."

"Bye, babe." he said before he heard the line hang up.

Asher left his bedroom and ran down the stairs at his best speed. He was so fast that he almost ignored his mother, he even had to admit that he's a mama's boy.

"Where are you going?" his mother, Elena, asked as he kissed her cheek.

"Date with Perry." he quickly answered. He was so fucked.

"Have fun." she replied with a smile.

"I will!" he yelled to her before leaving through the door.

He ran down the sidewalk, making sure not to bump into anyone since that will only take up more of his precious time. He could feel his heart slamming in his chest as the afternoon breeze harshly hit his face. So many thoughts were circling in his head as he was running.

I'm a horrible boyfriend, aren't I?

I should have remembered.

Should I have brought a gift?

What if she doesn't like the movie and she'll get even more angry?

Does she not like me anymore now?

Will she break up with me?

It was all too much. He got so stressed and distracted from his thoughts that he bumped into something (or someone) strong. He felt a hand tightly wrap around his bicep, preventing him from falling down. He was about to thank the person until he looked up and realized who it was. Now that Asher knew who it was, he wasn't going to thank him nor apologize for his unfortunate mistake.

"Dominic." Asher said through gritted teeth.

"Get your hand off of me." he angrily warned and Dominic's hand was already off of him once he realized that the person he bumped into was Asher.

"Gladly." Dominic sternly replied, wiping his hand down his shirt, as if Asher was some kind of dirty bacteria. He couldn't explain his hatred for this man, everything about him just gave Asher an urge to punch something. No person could be that nice, he meant Dominic was too nice that he was sure it was an annoying act for attention and for people to like him. Nobody can be that sweet. Dominic must have a little bit of rage in him, maybe he even had a whole different angry side that nobody saw.

"Watch where you're fucking going next time, bitch." Asher said before walking off.

"Fuck you, Asher." Dominic said, sending him a fuming glare. Asher only replied by sticking his middle finger up at the blue eyed boy, making him groan in irritation.

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